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You may not change your signature once it is in record, unless you suffer a wedding or are awarded a divorce. In which cases, a copy of the license or decree must be appended to a request to resign all relevant documents that you have signed using your previous lawful signature.

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In the event of the signatory being unable to understand the document due to stupidity, alliteracy, or mental defect, the document may be entered into record with a note to that effect.

Upon termination, death or other relevant separation of the signatory from the company of record, the total of the signed documents will be available for review by the signatory's survivors or other interested parties for a total of three days by court order before the record of and the documents themselves, as well as the record of and the signature are shredded or deleted from all corporate memory.

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Any interest in your documentary record by your immediate supervisor will be honored as soon as we get around to it.

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