Via Europa, quo vadis?
Created | Updated Mar 8, 2005
Our Target has to be the creation of a pan-European party. This target has to be reached by calling upon to the Europeans in discussion groups and for on the . The difference with the established parties in Europe is the organisation of the party. The old parties are on European level associations of the national parties, like the German CDU who participates in the European Peoples Party (EPP) a federation of conservatives and Christians in Europe. Nobody in Europe ever heart of it because the national parties participate under own name at the elections sometimes using the translated version of the European group. Our party will twist things twice around. First it will be one party with national divisions, unlike the nowadays politics of national parties with on European level an association structure. Therefore, our group shall have in each member of the Union the same name non-translated. at the other hand it have the non-democratic federation structure. it shall be a direct democratic party. Unlike the National Parties where the members has some rights to choose their cadre and this nomenclature chooses the federal cadre our organisation will be directly elected by the members on both European and national level. Like stated before there shall be national are directly elected by the members. These divisions run next to the European organisation and only deal with national and regional issues. They also do the pr and marketing of their own and in order of the European group.
The organisation of the national divisions shall be the equivalence of the Dutch association-foundation in the concerned country. The choice for this organisation structure is because this combines the advances of both an association and a foundation. The advances of an association are the democratic influence of the members via the Annual Members Meeting (A.M.M. which the members can choose the board of governors (B.o.G.). A foundation at the other hand has as advance that it can concentrate pure on the purpose wherefore it is erected without rendering an account to anyone. In the case f an association- the members choose a B.o.G. of at least six persons. Out of this six a board of directors (B.o.D.) for the association is appointed and a B.o.D. for the Foundation. Six is not a random number, a B.o.D. needs at least a chairman, a treasurer and a secretary, in this case for both the association and the foundation. The candidate B.o.G. members allege for which of the two parts they obtain and which position they want to hold. The members also choose a Disciplinary Committee which controls the foundation because when elected there is no other method to control the foundations B.o.D., the Board of the association can be called every moment and has to allege at least every month to the members. This structure seems to be a little overdone but only in this you get full democracy, control and participation by the members. Why choosing for association-foundation, why needing the foundation? The foundation will concentrate on the pr and marketing (propaganda) like said before but shall also be the scientific bureau (think-tank). The association deals with the organisation of the members, political actions and administrating the members.
On European the organisation will be the same. The members (from all European countries) can nominate them self and can elect the best in their opinion. Every nominee can campaign via the European web site the national nominees do via the national web sites. So also on European level there is a B.o.G. also consisting members, to prevent some smaller countries not to be represented the Disciplinary Committee will consist out of 30 members, two for each member state of the EU.
To reach real and full democracy even the election to be elected on the A.M.M. Hereby there has to be stated that an A.M.M. also has be attended via the internet. On the day of the A.M.M. all points of discussion has to be on the net and members who cannot be there has to have the option to choose online. So the election the members who want to get political function can be chosen online. Every member can be elected if he/she nominates him/herself. There is one restriction, you can only hold one position, so you obtain or for a nomination on the election list or for a position in the B.o.G. (on national or European level), this to prevent the concentration of power in hands of a small group of people. Some-ones position on the election list depends on the amount of votes he/she collects. The more votes collected the higher the position.
I would like to stress what kind of party it has to be. Many youngsters society-critical adults have stepped on the barricades the last years to protest against globalisation and capitalism. The Neoliberal has failed like the Neomarxism. The critics are right with their protests but they should work a little more constructive and structured. With only protesting and never come up with some alternatives nobody will listen. there should be an alternative is based on the newest achievements. This philosophy should be accompanied by a new political structure vision. in 1996 with their lampoon 'the New World 1' which later is expanded by one of them into a new philosophy 'Provolutionair Mondialism 2' of which only the manifest is finished. The new political structure should be a redefined form of Democracy. This new form is based on the principles of democracy, federalism and a kind of aristocratic government. It is called Policrateia or policracy3
The party should need a name. This name should be pronounceable in every European language. At the time the ideals wherefore the party stands should be clear to all. One option is to choose for a Latin title: Via Europa. Although debates should be held first before a decision is made.
[email protected]New World
This is the alternative for a state with a community of citizens. The New World will contain anarchistic, communistic, socialistic, altruistic en kibbutzim ideals combined with a strong pacifistic and environmentalist feeling. The community exists out of small colonies (kibbutzim) of approximately 50 persons. The membership is voluntarily if you like the way of live you can join a colony, if you do not like it (anymore) you leave. The people make up together some targets and create a constitution in which they put basic rights for all life and all sentient beings. This is to prevent chaos as if it should happen with anarchism.
If there are more kibbutzim close together in a region, it is possible to create a coordinating council in which every kibbutz has one or more deputies. This council can encourage trade between the communities by creating M.O.E.C's (Medium of Exchange Currency), and by making an industrial task list wherein every kibbutz has his product to fabricate. The council will not be the highest organ in the sea of communities, that will be the individuals and the individual kibbutzim, the deputies has to return to their kibbutzim and discuss every item with the other members. The community members have to approve every proposal before it can become legislation, they can also demand some changes in the proposal, but every other community have to approve these changes. Because of this system, it can be like deputies who travel from kibbutz to council and back and back several times, but there is no need for speed but for democracy so it does not matter.
The New World communities can live within the existing nation states. Nevertheless, the members have chosen not to be part of these nations anymore. They respect the nations and want respect form these nations. The kibbutzim do not use facilities of the nations in which they exist and do not buy products at them. With their M.O.E.C's the can survive. As refund of having some territory the can sell/grant products to the nation and of course, they deliver new ideas and new ideals to the nations.
The New World communities will be intellectual scientific and artistic places where new ideas will see their first daylight. The properties within the kibbutz belong to the community. All belongings are free of charge. This counts for the machines for production (which the members use communal usually) but also for the consuming products (bikes, computers etc.). For the last category of products: Who comes first at day, has the first right to use the product, nobody can claim anything. The kibbutz shall try to be self sufficient in production of food and materials. There will take place agriculture and small-scaled industry. The production will be as large as the needs for necessary materials. The Kibbutz can trade agricultural surpluses for products, which it does not crop itself, and/or for materials for which the knowledge and/or the tools does not exist. This is one of the main reasons why an erected council should create M.O.E.C's. For the industrial production and less for the agriculture there is a need for electricity, the Kibbutz will try to produce energy with an ecological method.
Like said in the fist paragraph, the community members do not use violence against each other and will not be violent to the outside world. Because the communities are small, everybody lives together and works together, the 'social control' will be great, the criminality is non-existent and quarrels they fought out by words. On the other hand, enemies from the outside world with serious aggressive minds will meet the kibbutz-resistance-group (K.R.G.). These are community members who will even give up one of their most important ideals: pacifism and fight against the aggressor with the same aggression.
2This manifest still has to be translated in English3Policrateia
Summary: Policracy is an political system based on the good values of Democracy, Federalism en Aristocracy. Why are these values chosen too be the base of the system? Democracy is chosenbecause it is a widely accepted form of government and it gives the citicens the ability to choose and to keep invluence in the government. Federalism is an political form which lay down the power on a level as close to the citizens as possible. With Aristocracy there is meant the political form is described by Plato and Machiavelli: "the government of some gives the most powerfull descission making abilities, the government of many is weak government. Democracy is only a solution to keep as many people as possible satisfied"
In Policrateia the federal system gives the power to the city of county (Polis ib greek, therefore the name; Policrateia, which means citypower). Like said the Polis can be a city, like the ancient Athenes in Greece, but also a group of villages or a combination of a city and some villages. the fundaments are the Democratic fundamental right of the citizens. They have the rights to choose the size of their Polis, the political structure of it and the powerlevel of the government. Next follow some political forms which can be imagined, but a noted has to be made that almost endless variations can be created:
- Peoples-Policracy
The most fundamental of all the policratic systems is the people-policracy. In this form all inhabitants of a community have the power. There is no assembly which is making the laws, nor should there be a government. But mostly there shall an executive authority. This authority pays responsibility to the peoples congres in which every adult citizens has a seat. The peoples congres is derived from the Athens assembly and functions by debate. - Parliamentary-PolicracY
This medium form of policracy operates mainly the same way as the peoples-policratic form. But in this case the people elect an assembly which makes the laws and the elect an executive authority which takes care of the daily business. The assembly and authority are elected half way. So the people elect the assembly in Januari and the authority in July. Each governmental body operates at least one year. - Aristocratic-Policracy
In this case the people give away their powers for at least one year and maximum three and a half years. The executive and law making powers lay at one single body: the Aristocratic counsil in which some of the communities noblemen have a seat. The Aristocrats are not hereditary but elected in that livelong function. After working hard in the community people can candidate someone for this title and on the peoples congres which is at least once a year they elect the person in this position or not.
The next stage in the Policracy is the union of the Poleis (plural for Polis)into a State. Most preferably the power of a polis in the state depends on it's size in financial power and number of inhabitants. All Poleis sent their deputies to the Poleis Congres. There a polis can have relative decline in economic power and in inhabitants, the votes in the Poleis Congres (PC) can fluctuate and should be adjusted in time. In the PC the voting happens by qualified majority(67%). The tasks of the PC are the creation and mangaging the Central Bank, International Relations, Defense and Interpoleis Infrastructure. Even the allocation of social funds can be or become a task for the PC. The Poleis Congres functions as a Parlementairy Democracy, therefore there shall probably be much more Members of the Poleis Congres(MPC) than there are now MP's (In a country like the UK approximately 1500!). To manage the daily business the Poleis Congres installs an Government which actualy functions as Machiavelli's Aristocrac, there it is impossible to let al the MPC work daily together on everything. So the Poleis Congres comes together every month to evaluate the Government.
Fees and Commissions for Politicians.
The Members of the Poleis Congres and the Government should not receive riant salaries, but only commissions to meet their expenses. This is because they are working for the citizens, but also citizens themselfs and they serve the people. Politics should be like a proffesional hobby, not a job. This prevents that there comes a caste of proffessional politicians, because now the politicians stop after some time to get a job and make money. this is like Plato's idea of Philosofers and Soldiers. also according to this Philosophy should the buildings of the Poleis Congres and the Government be sober, without any luxoury.