A Conversation for Explaining Sir Bob Geldof to Americans

Sir Bob and the Irish

Post 1

kelli - ran 2 miles a day for 2012, aiming for the same for 2013

I have several Irish friends that can do nothing but pour scorn on Bob, many of them seem to hate him with a passion! This appears to be true for all the dubliners I've met, is it generally true of Dubliners or are the ones I've met all exceptions?

Sir Bob and the Irish

Post 2


Just found your reply to my Bob Geldof posting! My Irish Husband Tony assures me that it is an Irish trait to have a love/hate relationship with any fellow Dub who becomes outrageously successful. Every cab driver who found out I was from Pittsburgh would say, 'AAAh that Tony O'Reilly. NO ONE is worth $78 million!'

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