A Conversation for Why The Beatles Are The Greatest Band Of All Time

I agree

Post 1


But I want to hear you say why. Just saying "because" is not good enough for a Beatles freak like myself.

I agree

Post 2

fords - number 1 all over heaven

but for a Beatles freak like me, it says it all! They are truly the best band ever. They set the trend for so many of today's bands and Sgt Pepper is THE concept album, even if it didn't start out as one! smiley - smiley Their music is so diverse, and in my mind they are the only band ever to be truly successful with their various styles. I could go on and on, but yeah, I agree!

I disagree.

Post 3

Researcher 193673

When the Beatles broke out is the only time they ever set a trend, which they did by going back to the rock music style of the mid-fifties. After that, starting with Help!, all the Beatles did was follow trends. Rubber Soul is a copy of the folk-rock started by the Byrds, Revolver and Sgt. Pepper are copies of the Beach Boys' Pet Sounds (which was the first real concept album and is THE concept album). The only reason Sgt. Pepper's is considered a concept album is because of the pathetic introduction title track that sets it up to be a performance by the band of losers. Moving on, "The White Album" is a rip-off of the Beach Boys' album Wild Honey (guess where the Beatles song "Wild Honey Pie" came from). So there you have it. After they broke out with their shallow love songs that hooked a gullable audience, the Beatles simply stole and did poor, shallow imitations. From 1965 on, the Beatles just FOLLOWED trends.

I disagree.

Post 4

fords - number 1 all over heaven

But they were the first band to use a sitar/mandolin (I can't remember which) on a record, which was on Norwegian Wood. Isn't that setting a trend?

Beatles hotmailaccount

Post 5


If someone wants my beatlesfourever hotmail account he/she can get it.

Beatles fourever was a usual slogan those days.

Greatings from Amsterdam, Alfredo.

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