A Conversation for The Edinburgh Co-operative Building Company (1861-1945)
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David H T Scott Started conversation May 29, 2011
I learned a lot about what had peviously only been family legend from this article and was impressed by the social conscience of my great-great grandfather. I would have liked to have seen the pictures too, but could not get them to show. I would appreciate finding out how to do this. The usual option to click to show blocked objects did not appear.
Fascinating Information
Vip Posted May 31, 2011
Unfortunately we will never see them.
This is an old Entry, and one that never went into the Approved Guide - think of this as a draft (albeit a very good one). Unfortunately back in 2001 h2g2 changed ownership, and personal images were no longer allowed by the BBC. That's why the links are broken; they were taken away.
I wish I'd been able to see this in all its glory too - it looks like a fine Entry.
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