Sheldon Cooper [of TBBT]

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Sheldon Cooper

Dr. Sheldon Cooper, is a character off the television show, "The Big Bang Theory" aired Monday nights on CBS.

Sheldon, played by Jim Parsons is a theoretical physicist at Caltech University in Pasadena, California fraternal twin of Missy Cooper.
One of the first things you will notice about Sheldon is comic book character t-shirts over long sleeved shirts and often plaid pants as well as a very OCD and geeky personality.

The name Sheldon Cooper was chosen combining "Sheldon Leonard" and "Leon Cooper"

Leonard is the first name given to Sheldon's roommate who also works at Caltech.

Known for his strict routines, which he will not sacrifice for anyone, such as sitting only on the left side of the couch, oatmeal on Monday mornings, organizing the cereal by fiber content Sheldon often leaves his friends frustrated.

Sheldon, nicknamed "Shelley" by his Christian mother, and sister grew up in Texas, known as a prodigy child often mentioning his IQ of 187, and his eidetic memory.
However, smart Sheldon may be he is socially awkward, and often as he puts it "does not know the protocol" in many situations.

An example being the time he found a tie on Leonard's bedroom door leaving him to go find Penny, next door to ask her what it meant.
All of this is likely do to the fact Sheldon entered college at eleven years old, working as a visiting professor in Germany by the time he was fifteen, and his first PH.D by the time he was sixteen.

Social awkwardness aside Sheldon does connect with a few people around him.
His best friend Leonard Hofstadter, also his roommate, Rajesh Koothrappali, also of Caltech University, who also works for him in the third season in order to stay in the United States.
Howard Wolowitz and Penny the girl whom lives across the hall, and is also his waitress at the Cheesecake factory on Tuesday nights.

Penny and Sheldon have come to have a very different relationship when compared to the guys. She does not work at the university with them, she is an inspiring actress and a waitress the rest of the time.
She is the one who makes sure that no one touches Sheldon's food while its being prepared, another one of his phobias,[Mysophobia] taking him into her apartment when he was locked out.
She also is often the one to explain many of the social situations to him in a way that he can understand.
As well as the one who sings soft kitty to him while he was sick and rubbed vics vapor rub on his chest.
He then returned the favor and took care of Penny when she dislocated her shoulder after a fall in the tub.
In the third season Sheldon also tried to teach Penny physics so she could impress Leonard.

Sheldon does not understand or often catch on to sarcasm, he can also not keep secrets as his struggle with body movements and expressions give him away, but he is a very loyal friend and will help when they need it, such as the time he lent money to Penny so she could pay her bills and fix her car.

Enemies in the series thus far have included Sheldon's arch nemesis Leslie Winkle and Barry Kripke.

Sheldon falls into a "relationship" of sorts with Ramona Nowitzki when she attempts to help him concentrate on his work, spending less time with his friends. He tries to get Penny to help get rid of her but Ramona catches him not working and he blames Penny for distracting him. He only gets rid of her when he realizes she wants part credit for his work and throws her out.

Sheldon shared a late night kiss with the very drunk Dr. Beverly Hofstadter, but they agreed to forget about her "inappropriate conduct" the following morning.

Fans of the show have often claimed Asperger syndrome to be one of Sheldon's many ailments but to date producers and writers have denied such.
To date the only aliments Sheldon is said to suffer from is OCD, Mysophobia and Hypochondriasis.

Future Prospects:

In his very prompt return from Montana, where he chooses to move to after the break in of their apartment one can only wonder what will happen in the day to day life as Sheldon returns to the university and living with Leonard.

We know that the routines will remain the same, his quirkiness will still be there but will the Sheldon and Penny shippers ever get their day?

The thought of Sheldon and Penny has many talking, on the blogosphere community, the forums of not only CBS but Facebook.
The Big Bang Theory and its characters have all taken on lives of their own and can be found on all major networking sites.

Tune in catch up and have your say. It's always full of laughs.
One small recommendation, don't try to drink anything during the duration of the show, I have learned from my numerous attempts that it just never turns out well.

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