A Conversation for Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon

My personal Bacon number

Post 1

Jimi X

Is four.

While a newspaper reporter in Carlisle, Pennsylvania, I met the geese who starred in the film 'Fly Away Home' with Jeff Daniels. Jeff Daniels was in 'Trial and Error' with Charlize Theron. And Charlize Theron was in '24 Hours' with the man himself!

smiley - cool

My personal Bacon number

Post 2

Diamond Bert

I beat you by one!!

A girl my wife used to work with was friendly with Simon Williams (James Bellamy in Upstairs, Downstairs). We met him one night when he was touring in the UK with "They're Playing Our Song" (Neil Simon/ Marvin Hamlish). Simon Williams was in "Teachers" with Laura Dern. Laura Dern was in "Novocaine" with KB.

So my number is three!

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My personal Bacon number

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