A Conversation for GG: Gnomon
Ocarina Cave Girl Started conversation Apr 24, 2003
Hiya Gnomon, OCG here... just wanted to say hi, since I've been away for such a long time, and that I appreciate your contributions to the peer review of my article. I could explain in way too much detail what kept me away, but I won't for now Anyway, see ya around!
Gnomon - time to move on Posted Apr 24, 2003
Hi OCG. I don't remember now what your entry in Peer Review was about. I hope I wasn't too harsh!
See you around!
Ocarina Cave Girl Posted Apr 29, 2003
Nah was very nice to have your feedback. Was about Gregorian Chant... a paper I wrote in high school (back when I had time to actually research things hehe) What's new with you?
Gnomon - time to move on Posted Apr 29, 2003
I went to Prague for the Easter weekend, so I am busy writing a long entry on Prague. A beautiful city!
Gnomon - time to move on Posted May 1, 2003
Hi Linus!
I've got a bit tired of FunTrivia. Between the Rnd questions, the bickering about whether things were quiz questions or not, cricket questions and the top selling poster of all time, I've just seen too much that I'm not interested in anymore.
I'll retire gracefully, having contributed my share of answers.
And I spend far too much time on various different sites. I've decided to concentrate all my efforts into h2g2 instead, which is a much more worthwhile cause.
Gnomon - time to move on Posted May 1, 2003
Welcome to h2g2, by the way! I hope you take a look around while you're here.
Linus Posted May 2, 2003
Yes, I can understand that. The Ask FT site seems a lot less vibrant these days and many of the more learned and interesting characters are visiting less and less often. It's a great pity but hopefully something will be done to stem the decline.
I hope you will return at some point, as the site will be poorer for the loss of your contributions.
In the meantime, all the very best!
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