The Curiositizer

4 Conversations

Curiosity and Cats

Bad luck Kitty - if you`ve arrived here it's because you've just been just been zapped by the ACF`s new secret weapon the Curiositizer.

Did you know that curiosity can kill cats ?

The Curiositizer is a triumph of ACF technology and ingenuity. Its development took a great deal of effort but once we'd learnt how to wire the questioning circuits in to the stare system it was only a matter of getting the prototype to work.

The Curiositizer increases the curiosity of the target feline 10-fold. As Cats are naturally very curious the effect when they are hit by this ray is to make them super-ultra curious. And everyone knows what curiosity does to cats!

Another fabulous ACF product brought to you from an original Big Bad Werewolf © idea.

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