A Conversation for Alternative House Rules - Contents

Posting languages

Post 1

Tube - the being being back for the time being

"Postings in German are now supported as well, and other languages may follow.”

From my experience: don't bet on it. I posted a German phrase as a reply to LeKZ. LeKZ stated that she'd read a sentence by I. Asimov saying (something like) "even the gods are helpless against stupidity”
I replied that that was a quote from the German Poet Schiller who said that "(German version)”, marked as a translation.

Three weeks after posting my reply it was still hidden. After a short conversation with TPTB I got back my posting on the condition that the German sentence was removed.
So much for the support of German.

Good entry Lucinda!


Posting languages

Post 2

Martin Harper

Read the footnote

Posting languages

Post 3


Give it a chance, will you? It was announced only a few hours ago. Did you follow the link in the footnote? http://www.bbc.co.uk/h2g2/guide/F55683?thread=133655 :-) I agree, good entry! :-)

Posting languages

Post 4


Ottox the slow poster... smiley - winkeye

Posting languages

Post 5

Martin Harper

Fast enough smiley - smiley

Thanks both for your support. I've only posted links to this to a couple of places so far, but I'm pleased that already people are coming here and saying that it's a useful entry. smiley - cheers!

Posting languages

Post 6

Tube - the being being back for the time being

Footnote? What footnote?! smiley - winkeye
Might have been a little to smiley - drunk to see it right away.... sorry. smiley - smiley


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