A Conversation for The H2G2 Queen Fan Club

Queen Fan Club Updates

Post 1

Researcher 178815

The Queen Fan Club has been updated.
That's what this Thread is here to tell you. If it popups up in your conversations list, and you've subscribed to the thread by clicking the 'notify me' link at the very top of the page, it means something's changed at the fan club.

If this happens though, it's probably not a lot, due to my lack of time for the thing.

So, here's the first update.

1 May 2004: Created this Updates Thread
1 May 2004: Updated Forum and Thread pages to include special enhancements, using the and tags.

Queen Fan Club Updates

Post 2

Laudatortemporisacti - RIP TB Falsename, I will always love you. :'-(

The page is being updated....
If you have suggestions, please let me know!

Queen Fan Club Updates

Post 3

Laudatortemporisacti - RIP TB Falsename, I will always love you. :'-(

The Queen Fan Club page has now been updated with the latest Queen news. The Club House is now open, please feel free to stop along there: http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/h2g2/brunel/F73921?thread=554780 I hope you're all still thinking and working on the Queen article too! See you in the Club House...

Queen Fan Club Updates

Post 4

Laudatortemporisacti - RIP TB Falsename, I will always love you. :'-(

Well, once more the main page has been updated.
Please check it out - we have a new badge!smiley - disco
Add it to your PS and let's try get some more members!
Also, don't forget that the clubhouse is open...follow the link from the main page. We'd love to see more fan club members in there!smiley - ok
Any suggestions, please add to the relevant thread.
smiley - magic

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