A Conversation for The H2G2 Queen Fan Club

An alternative attempt

Post 1


Don't take this site away.

Look at all my posts and you'll see
You're the only site
You've captured my love
Stolen my heart
Changed my life

Everytime you make a move
and moderate my lines
You make me lose control,
I shiver, deep inside
Don't take this site away...

You can reduce us to tears
With a single Yikes
Every action you take
Any edit you make
Why is hardly ever clear

I could give up all my life for only this
I would surely die
If you dismiss me from your site
Don't take my site away

So please don't go
Don't leave me here all by myself
I get ever so lonely from time to time
I will find you
Anywhere you go, I'll be right behind you
Right until the ends of the web
I'll get no sleep till I find you to tell you
Oh please no, don't take my site away

I will find you
Anywhere you go, I'll be right behind you
Right until the ends of the web
I'll get no sleep till I find you to
tell you when I've found you -
I love you

An alternative attempt

Post 2


Nice one Towelmaster.

It took my breath away smiley - winkeye

An alternative attempt

Post 3


Thanx Orcus. Still, it was only practice for the real one(s) to come.
I'm still a bit rusty. I used to do this often in "the olde days", I'm looking for more Queen-songs to paraphrase, so The h2g2 Queen-Fanclub can offer them as anthems to other h2g2-groups.

Like doing a number on "We will rock you" for the Zaphodistas,
"Keep yourself alive" for the towers,
etcetera... smiley - winkeye


An alternative attempt

Post 4

Researcher 178815

smiley - coolsmiley - smiley
I can play the drums to We Will Rock you smiley - winkeye

smiley - coolaka (",)smiley - cool

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