A Conversation for The H2G2 Queen Fan Club

moderated?! huh?

Post 1

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

OK, we've been moderated on this page.. hmm, probably connected to the update?

moderated?! huh?

Post 2

Researcher 178815

/*/*/* If all researchers could be free,
/*/*/* no moderators- that would be-
/*/*/* a miracle..... a miracle...

/*/*/* The one thing we're all looking for
/*/*/* is our fan club back
/*/*/* and an end to copyright law!

/*/*/* It's a miracle we need.. the miracle..
/*/*/* of our fan club back smiley - winkeye - actually, any suggestions for the last line?

I'm actually setting up a Ya*hoo version of our fan club so that we can go there if we must for reasons the beeb won't allow.. like midi files.. promoting drug taking, you know.. the kinda stuff we're all into at this fan club..

So when Its ready, i'll get back here and tell you all the URL.. also i'll put it in the updates thread smiley - smiley

Oh, and Ade.. sorry m8 smiley - sadface stupid telewest only just let you use h2g2 smiley - grr between the moderators and telewests "firewall".. it's a hell to run this place! smiley - sadface

smiley - coolaka (",)smiley - cool

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