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On his artical on Israel, MR.spree failed to path the gratnes of Israel as the promesed land.

On the bibel, one of the oldest books on earth and the leading book in some of the less unknown religens in it, Jeruslem is the cupital city of the Jewish nation. Today, 4000 years later, this town is once again the cupital of a Jewish land. The fact is, unforchently, that the one small religon that was the Jewish religon all thouse ages ago, was the base of both Christizem & Christizem. Today this are too religens in which many earth men belive, and all of tham belive that Jerusalem and Israel are the "promesed land"' but promesed only to tham!

And so this rudiculas stragel continus, the Jewish have a wall in Jerusalem. By what thay belive this wall was the western part of the wall serounding there main tempel a few thousent years ago.This Tempel could "Bait Hamikdash" was the House in which there god had put a part of him how is much like a Holy Spirit. Thay would have built a new one, but on the field were the tempel was, you find today the a tempel of the Mouslems, which is cosidered the second most importent place to the Mouslems. The reson is that (by there belives) some Hair from the mostuge of Mohamad, there Mesaick, are still placed there. The last religon, the Chistions, Belive that there Mesaick, Jesus, is beried in a cherche back there.

After all this, you can understand why thay all think this town was promised to tham. From this point all kind of rubish flyes from one side to the other. The town itself was conkerd a few times by each one of thouse sides, and at the moment kept by Jewish men. Ofcorse, the Jewish are acused in killing the Chistions Mesaick' Jesus (Which is hebrow name "Yeshu" is the anitions of may his name and Memory be earased for ever). The Jeish pepole say he was Jewish him self, and blaim the kill on the Romes. The Rome's ampire was destrioed many years ago, so thay can't replay, and so the ball kipes on rooling.

Trying visiting Jerusalem, not many cities change so dramaticly from one nabehood to another. You can move form a 4000 year old custoel to a new Hi Tech street (is has Digital clocs!) in just a few meanests. If you got to read the bibel, a nice book by itself, you are shoure to enjoy visitiong cool places such as the place where this guy has been atteched to the tree.

Come to the Holy land on 2000 for the 2003 berth day of Yeshue.

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