Big Bandwagon

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Its now the third and final week in the Big Bandwagon and so far Infinity is still going strong but now it seems that some type of alliance has been formed in favour of Cafram.Infinity recieved 6% of the votes.
I have decided that Infinity deserves to win as she pretty much kept things going right in the beginning.

So all I ask for is 5 minutes of your time to cast 2 votes against the other remaining players before Wednesday to keep Infinity in till the end.(one email per user)DO NOT CAST ANY VOTES AGAINST INFINITY!

A smiley going through several mood changes

E-mail to [email protected], leaving your votes and your user number. Leave subject line as 'Bandwagon'.

The participants still in the Bandwagon:

  • Infinity
  • Cafram
  • D'Elaphant
For more info check out the surrounds.


agent002 smiley - cool

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