A Conversation for The H2G2 Programmers' Corner

An ammendment..

Post 1

Researcher 178815

Only just found the link to this place again - it's been a while. smiley - yikes

I now stand as:

Languages: PHP, Visual Basic, Dark Basic/Pro, MySQL, Pascal, (Ugh.) English.
Learning: Not a PHP guru yet - Also learning/coding as I go in VB, and learing C next year at college.
Platforms: Linux (RH), Win32(95,98SE,ME,XP)

Cheers. smiley - smiley

An ammendment..

Post 2

Researcher 178815

Oh, and seeing as everyone else who knows them seems to, may aswell shove QBasic and Bash in the languages part, too. Even 'kwrite /var/logs/httpd/access.log' is best done in Konsole or some other shell window, as far as I'm concerned.

I know I should really be using Emacs or vi, but I stumbled upon Kwrite when I was using KDE 3.1 under Mandrake, and grew attached to it. smiley - smiley

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