A Conversation for The Title Appreciacion Society

Something simple for me please....

Post 1

Red (and a bit grey) Dog

Errrr, Red Dog here (U167454). I fancy just something simple and straightforward like `Top Banana`. Do I have to make a wish now or something smiley - biggrin

Something simple for me please....

Post 2


Sorry it took so long... I haven't been checking up on h2g2 goings on for quite some time now. smiley - sadface

Anyway: 'Top Banana', was it?

smiley - magic I now declare you 'Top Banana' of the T.A.S.!!

Something simple for me please....

Post 3

Red (and a bit grey) Dog

smiley - biggrin Ta

Something simple for me please....

Post 4


smiley - smiley You're welcome smiley - smiley

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