A Conversation for The Title Appreciacion Society

I've got a title in mind

Post 1

ex-Rambling. Thingite. Dog. Pythonist. Deceased.

How about Warmongerer? I like the way it rolls off the tongue.
I would add 'Extraordinaire', but the way my luck has been going lately, the only thing extraordinary about my warmongering is that I'm still in one piece.smiley - biggrin I think 'Extempore' would be more accurate.

I've got a title in mind

Post 2

ex-Rambling. Thingite. Dog. Pythonist. Deceased.

yep, I gave it some thought, and I like the contrast between the two words. Warmongerer is so harsh and direct, and extempore sounds softer and vague,(at least, to me). Do you think it'll do?

Rambling. A171768. Warmongerer Extempore

If that's o.k. If not, post me. I'll listen to suggestions from the Creator of All

I've got a title in mind

Post 3


All titles are granted. And so is yours.

Rambling, you are hereby our official Warmongerer Extempore smiley - magic

I've got a title in mind

Post 4

ex-Rambling. Thingite. Dog. Pythonist. Deceased.

Wee-Haa!smiley - biggrin Warmongerer Extempore, that's me!
(I gotta go change my name again) thanks Oh,Creative One! smiley - cake and smiley - ale for all! Walks off, happy as if she had good sense.

I've got a title in mind

Post 5

Fred Smith

Nice title, have fun warmongering smiley - smiley

I've got a title in mind

Post 6

ex-Rambling. Thingite. Dog. Pythonist. Deceased.

thank you,sir! smiley - biggrin

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