Ghosts Uncovered: Part 1

1 Conversation

The belief in ghosts is as old as humanity itself. Whether it be a religious belief, a superstitious fear, or whether it may be the need to feel that there is "something else" after people die.
At this point, I should point out that my personal interest in the spirit world does not include the 'belief' in ghosts - mine is purely an interest in the reasons why people are so willing to believe in the things that apparently go "bump" in the night...

I make no excuse for the cynicism you may detect here. Indeed, hopefully it will bring out the advocate in you...

Popular misconceptions regarding spirits often lead to mythical properties being treated as fact - something us humans are prone to do: I'm thinking rumours, gossip, fear of being different etc.

Two questions as examples: firstly, why do ghosts "appear" wearing clothes? Surely, as spiritual matter or ectoplasm, they should appear naked. Secondly, and leading on from the above, how can ghosts seemingly rattle chains, or make footstep noises? They can't, surely?

Remember, we're talking about ghosts here, not poltergeists (and even if we were talking about poltergeists, it's not the noisy ghosts making the noise, it's the things they're moving around or throwing - but being spiritual beings, they can't touch material things, but that's a discussion for another day!).

Another question: why do ghosts only appear at night? Do they have ideals or feelings of time, or do their glowing forms show up better on a background of pitch black?

Is it more believable that all this hocus-pocus is the vivid imagination of scholars, movie makers and religious fanatics? People who say "I've seen a ghost" can have no comparable standard on which to base those observations, so how do they know WHAT it is? Too much cider, possibly.

Still, I'm open to discussion. Any seers, psychics, mediums, charlatans, fortune tellers or spritualists who can offer factual proof otherwise is more than welcome to contact me.

Stay well and stay naughty... <ghost>

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