A Conversation for UK Roundabouts: A Cyclist's Guide

An error?

Post 1


Pretty good article, one (very minor) thing, you say:
"As they are slower than you you may need to match your speed. "
Do you mean:
"As they are slower than you you may need to match *their* speed. "?

Consider changing this to:
"Remember cyclists are slower than you, so you may need to match their speed." to improve readablility.
smiley - smiley

An error?

Post 2



smiley - fairy

An error?

Post 3


Just to let you know, the main conversation for this article is here: F48874?thread=7119738

Because this one is in <./>Peer Review</.>, it has a special conversation to advise the editor (that me at the minute) to make changes.
To get to the conversation for an article, click on the 'Peer Review' on the right hand side of it. If the article was in Writing Workshop, you'd click on that wording etc.

It's a bit complicated, I'm afraid. Shout if you need a hand. smiley - smiley Thanks for taking the time to comment though - it's very much appreciated.

smiley - fairy

An error?

Post 4


Erg, sorry... n00b moment im afraid... Thanks for that smiley - winkeye

An error?

Post 5


Not a problem - it took me ages to figure that one out!

smiley - fairy

An error?

Post 6


I see where it should have been posted, i assumed that 'peer review' link was a link back to the eponymous category. Very confusing to have 2 discussion threads for one article. Im thinking of creating an open source application with the same idea, kinda like peer review mixed with wikipedia. Thanks for your help, its much appreciated! smiley - smiley

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