The Dungeon

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~The dungeon is a small, dank, dimly lit room.~

~On the east wall is a heavy iron door, leading to the War Room.~

~On the north, west, and south walls are rows of prison cells. Inside most of the prison cells are nameless people, intended to be used as food for the Vampyre Twyns. They are fed by a criminally insane butler named Sir Vlad, who lives in a cell on the north wall that has no door. You can see Sir Vlad sitting in his cell.~

>Open the door.

You can't, it's locked.

>Find the key.

If only life were that simple.

>Break down the door.

~You ram your shoulder into the door. This does nothing except hurt your shoulder and attract the attention of the poor souls in the cells, who begin to wail pitifully. Sir Vlad looks up at you from his cell.~

"Ah, did you get thrown down here by Master Hades then? You must have if the door is locked. Well, there are only two ways out of here, and I doubt that you'll like either one. The first way is to volunteer to be the twyns' dinner, in which case you leave the laire bloodless and deaded. The second option is to get down on your knees and beg me."

What the heck. Being deaded can't be so bad.

Any last words?

I'm not proud. I'll beg.

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