A Conversation for THE MUSEHOME-BAKERY

Get your cakes on Route 66....

Post 1

Researcher 168814

Hällo! Wot känn I do for iu?

Get your cheesecakes on Route 66....

Post 2

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde


Get your cheesecakes on Route 66....

Post 3


celery cheesecake .......?

Get your cheesecakes on Route 66....

Post 4

Researcher 168814

Kömming up, mein Herr, one slice öf selleriecheesecake...

Get your cheesecakes on Route 66....

Post 5

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

!!!! ...really!??

Get your cheesecakes on Route 66....

Post 6



Get your cheesecakes on Route 66....

Post 7

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde


Get your cheesecakes on Route 66....

Post 8

Researcher 168814

Vell, Missäs? Vot känn I do for you? Some choclatemilkcheescake?

Get your cheesecakes on Route 66....

Post 9

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

Why, that sounds lovely... smiley - winkeye

Get your cheesecakes on Route 66....

Post 10

Researcher 168814

Häre iu aare ,drägonfliege! Häve a täste of this chociladimilkikääskuchen...

Get your cheesecakes on Route 66....

Post 11


celery cheesecake please ...?

Get your cheesecakes on Route 66....

Post 12

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde


Get your cheesecakes on Route 66....

Post 13

Researcher 168814

Thät wood be 1§ 95c smiley - tongueout

*Händs över Kääskuche*

Get your cheesecakes on Route 66....

Post 14


*Pushes in a few small crates of really yummy looking cheesecakes*

Hello, everyone, this is a special batch of cheesecakes that Dragonfly requested I drop here. They've been modified so that it's almost impossible to taste it without smiling. smiley - smiley

Get your cheesecakes on Route 66....

Post 15

Researcher 168814

Ah, so, Dragonfliege häs another bäckerei going somewhere, häs she???

Well, put ze crätes into the bäckroom there, I vill see to it very näxt moment...

Get your cheesecakes on Route 66....

Post 16


*Pushes the crates in*

No, Dragonfly doesn't have another bakery that I know of. I just happen to have a great deal of equipment from all known forms of science, including the culinary arts. These are modified versions of some rather unscrupulous cheesecakes that I made a while back, and their addictive qualities have been toned down to a sane level, FYI.

Get your cheesecakes on Route 66....

Post 17

Researcher 168814

Ar zey Sane, as in ze songg:

Sane, Sane, Sane, Sane, sane for you!

smiley - huh

Hier, häve ä slice of ze whitemilkchoclatecrispcheesecake I wöz äbaout to cut für you!

Get your cheesecakes on Route 66....

Post 18

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

Thank you, Affy!!!

... These are Rama cheesecakes!!!! smiley - tongueout

And there is NO OTHER bakery!!!

Get your cheesecakes on Route 66....

Post 19

Researcher 168814

Ah; Dragonfliege! Zis is ä very responzeble task I seem to täke on! I bow humble unto szour Museship! If I äm now virtually ze only bakery of cheesecake... I vill off course be very obliged if Äffy vould slook aavter ze mäshinäry...

Get your cheesecakes on Route 66....

Post 20

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

The missionary!?? Is this cheesecake run by religious zealots!?? smiley - tongueout

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