
1 Conversation

Period. A visit from Aunt Flo. The Cardinal. That-time-of-the-month. “My stomach hurts.” Monthlies.

All of the above are used to describe that monthly torture of all that is female. Menstruation is the time in a woman’s fertility cycle when the lining of the uterus that is meant to support an embryo is passed out via the vagina when no embryo is created. This occurs roughly every 28 days, and ranges from annoying to unpleasant to downright painful. Some women have relatively easy menses, while others have cramps, bloating, and mood swings 1.

Menstruation also facilitates the need for “feminine products” such as sanitary napkins and tampons because if left unattended, it will stain any and all fabric surfaces it comes in contact with2.

Sanitary Napkins

Similar to the design of diapers, sanitary napkins are worn in the underwear and are meant to absorb the menstrual fluid before it causes permanent damage to the woman’s underwear.


Tampons are made of an absorbent material that is inserted into the vagina to catch the menstrual fluid before it exits the vagina. Some women prefer tampons to sanitary napkins, others only use them if they are being forced to wear a swimsuit during their period.

A woman's first period usually occurs around the early teen years (ages 12-16)3 and continues monthly until Menopause around age 50.

1These mood swings are usually referred to as PMS (or Pre-Menstrual Syndrome) even if they occur during a woman’s cycle.2Which, needless to say, can create some very embarrassing situations.3As if the teen years aren't horrible enough, now THIS?!

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