A Conversation for H2G2 SAS
It's not a question of who's towel it is, its a question of how urgently you need it! :-D
Researcher 178815 Started conversation Jun 13, 2002
Erm.. right
I'd like to be known as three letters from now on:
like that, up there, see?
Forget all the dodgy punctuation now
- aka
It's not a question of who's towel it is, its a question of how urgently you need it! :-D
Cupid Stunt Posted Jun 15, 2002
A long, but well thought out subject line there! I'll change it next time I'm changing it...
It's not a question of who's towel it is, its a question of how urgently you need it! :-D
shagbark Posted Jul 3, 2002
I've given up trying to get the tower to see reason. I'm just going to use ~[]~ until we get a real towel smiley.
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It's not a question of who's towel it is, its a question of how urgently you need it! :-D
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