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A towel story for Christmas.

Post 1


The young man was 19 and this was his first apartment.
He was a thousand miles from his mother and his father.
He had neither space nor money for a christmas tree that year
but he did have a large towel and some doubleface tape.
the thought about it went to the department store next door
(Webb City) and bought a box of ornaments and some garland.
returning home he shaped the towel to look like a christmas tree,
stuck it on his wall and decorated it with short strips of garland
and a few ornaments which he sowed on. This was his Christmas tree.
I know because that young man was me, and it's a true story.
One more use for a towel. Make a Christmas tree<:'-)>
( in case you wonder that's a nostalgic smiley)

A towel story for Christmas.

Post 2


.......... ^^^^^.............
Merry Christmas.

A towel story for Christmas.

Post 3

Rat, who can't remember his way round this bloody thing.

smiley - cry

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