A Conversation for H2G2 SAS
shagbark Started conversation Jul 21, 2001
I agree with your concept.
I just don't know if I want to be grouped with researchers who spell so poorly.
Cupid Stunt Posted Jul 26, 2001
I think the spelling is imaterial! Towels are what we stand for, even if the acronyms are wrong. SATS is spelled as it should isn't it?
Ormondroyd Posted Jul 26, 2001
That's "immaterial", Cupid.
And I'm sorry, but the spelling does matter, because it reflects badly on the campaign. At the moment, the opening line on the page talks about a "new set of similes". A simile is a phrase in which two essentially different things are compared, e.g. "My love is like a red, red rose"!
Cupid Stunt Posted Jul 28, 2001
Whereas a metaphor is a system of signalling using flags.
I'm housesitting for fish while he's on holiday, I'll try and clean the spelling up if I have the time. In the mean time-Don't rock the boat, we're too busy paddling it.
Ormondroyd Posted Jul 28, 2001
That's fine by me.
You have a point about the meaning of "metaphor", actually. I'm starting to doubt my online dictionary now...
Cupid Stunt Posted Aug 6, 2001
It was only a joke. I've never been particularly good at them...
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