Strange Numerology: My Weird Arithmetical Leap and Some of Its Related Subjects--Part I

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This sequence of Entries relates historical material that came from the observation that 365.25^4=17797577732.19140625. What could I possibly mean?

In January of 2006, I read the crucial historical date that made the old sense I had of having strange coincidences in my family's birth dates into a full-blown incontrovertibly unnatural set of coincidences. This coincidence set is posted elsewhere [and will receive a short Entry], and I won't repeat it; but I need to point out that the numberings of the dates were not an issue for quite some time, its not having occurred to me until around this time last year (It is 2 November 2009 as I write this) to look again at my specific birth date. The immediate consequence of this discovery was the discovery of the above equation, which I will call 'The Main Fact'.

[Discussion of the mathematics of The Main Fact and other things related to it]

At any rate, it was immediately clear to me that The Main Fact was a special equation worthy of the name I have given it here. A few months after the discovery, it occurred to me that the leading four digits of both the whole and decimal parts could possibly be dates in the common calendar, but I dropped the subject knowing that this hypothesis was not easily testable and thinking that it was probably false.

I don't know exactly what prompted the thought to return to the subject--some skepticism that The Main Fact had any significance by acquaintances, perhaps--but around June of last year I began creating a list of things that happened in 1779 from the Britannica 2001 CD I had home access to (I only recently returned to the internet after several years of occasional library use only). As things stood prior to that, all I really thought of the year was that it was the middle year of the USA's War of Independence, but the list I created filled me with the sense that I was really onto something very big. I didn't treat 1914 the same way, being rather recent. I knew it as the start of World War I and the year the Panama Canal opened. I did, however, discover the major earthquake of the year 365 as a kind of confirmation.

[Discussion of some highlights of the list]

After I started this list, I was of a mind to explore the issue further, but I basically just contemplated it and did nothing else for quite some time. After all, what else exactly was there to do? Then around 3AM on 11 September 2008, I had the insight to think about things in a peculiar way. Thinking (as I even had before discovering my family birthday coincidence) that I was central to some sort of planned human advancement (but now with solid evidence), it occurred to me that I would either need real comparative study of years in history to claim 1779 was super-significant, or I would have to come up with more number-to-year significations. I could theoretically have done either; but since I am more mathematically-minded than historically-minded, I thought I would try to just play with numbers and see what I got. One could (and I would) reasonably say that I was not really thinking independently at this point, because the first thing that I tried yielded a great affirmative surprise, and the surprises piled up.

To be precisely accurate, it was not the first thing I checked, but rather the second which yielded the first surprise. The first thing I checked would be a kind of disconfirmation but for the fact that a closer look yielded an even bigger surprise. Here is what happened:

Looking at the number 17797577732.19140625, I wondered exactly how I could make anything new out of it in a way that made any sense at all. What occurred to me (for no particular reason I can put my finger on)
was to look at the fourth root of the number with all 7s in place of the ending here, actually all 7s to the limit of a particular calculator, figuring on some subliminal level that the tools I had at my disposal were also a part of the plan. As I said, what I got from the fourth root of 17797577777.77777777777777777777 (twenty 7s after the decimal) meant nothing to me. There are ways to pick out years, which I was considering as four-digit strings beginning with 1, but the historical years I saw did not mean a thing to me, and I moved along to what I already had in mind to check next.

I am a bit of a mathematician, not just a number-dabbler, so I am well aware of how calculators fail. Aside from underflow and overflow (too-small and too-large values), there is one simple way to get failure from a calculator, and that is to subtract numbers that are nearly equal, as one gets into the hidden digits of the calculations. So, again for no clear reason, I thought to modify the first idea for a strange calculation by subtracting the fourth root of simply 17797577777 from it, and out jumped the surprise I spoke of: The only year in this calculation was 1776, which you will gather from my PS is just about as strange a coincidence as I could hope for. It was essentially a one-in-a-thousand shot, and it was just the beginning of things. This is what I call my 'Weird Arithmetical Leap'.

After this finding--this one-in-a-thousand shot--I did go back and take a look at just the fourth root of 17797577777.77777777777777777777. The number obtained contains the 'dates' 1957 and 1863, and these are bracketed together in a nice way by 7's, as I'll show shortly. Now, I did something unusual with these two dates. Using the same Britannica 2001 CD mentioned earlier, I paired these two dates in a restricted search for the articles that would mention both. Twenty articles were listed, and one had to do with a religion I had begun claiming as my preferred one (owing to various thoughts held by the religion and by me, and also an idiosyncratic English-language view of the religion's name that I needn't get into in this Entry). This religion: Baha'i. I searched simply this religion's name as a consequence and received the shock of my lifetime.

The consequence of the search just mentioned was going to have an enormous impact upon what follows. Not only did it confirm for me that there was something special about this particular encyclopedia, it showed that the idea of pairing dates together also was likely to produce interesting results. The number of hits in searches would also be important, as this was the origin of the shock: The number of hits was 19382, my zip code (USA local address code)!!! What's involved in total is a continuing finding of coincidences. Later that same night after getting little response on this from my psychiatrist; because of the date's significance in stimulating current wars, I had the insight to look at my history of World War II for whether 1938.2 might mean anything as a date itself. Indeed it does: It's essentially midnight between the 73rd and 74th days of 1939; and these are the days in which the Czechoslovakian Prime Minister was reportedly bullied by Adolph Hitler into accepting his supposed aid, and then the German troops marched in on the country with Hitler at its head.

Now, I guess I seem to be headed down a treacherous path toward a fully deterministic past, present and future for humanity. I don't see that as the reality. The reader can consider that whatever might be behind planning these coincidences--a discussion of which is in my [title of another Entry]--could have given the Earth we live upon, the life that arose here, and the history we know, quite a lot of leeway; but only enough to still allow the finding of coherent evidence that a plan of some sort had been framed eons ago and then managed along the way up to the present. This is also as we should expect it to be in the future, I would suggest; and I say that because of an observation and thoughts surrounding it on a certain 24th century date, and the fact that there is no evidence of its ending. A discussion of that matter, though, is for another Entry ([Entry concerning 2338 and the end of the plan]). You will simply now observe what I observed from the early digits of the two numbers I calculated (the difference upon subtracting the fourth root of 17797577777 from that of 17797577777.77777777777777777777, and simply the latter's fourth root by itself). Through to the relevant part for this, these numbers are 3.99047748332 (omitting the exponent along with other digits) and 365.2500002338. I'll be touching upon more--much more--on these numbers and the sequence where the number of 7's after the decimal point in the calculation of my Weird Arithmetical Leap is allowed to vary in Part II.

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