Memories of the h2g2 Meet... Galaxy Babe
Created | Updated Sep 12, 2005

Those in attendance are listed here
Mycroft's pics
The first 4 pics are the Thingite pub quiz team!
Photo 1:
Mike (St.Bob){white shirt} left,
Shea {black shirt}.
Lady Elly on the right {white shirt}
Photo 5 Hopelessly Paranoid, A Girl called Jack
Photo 6 is Babel-17 and me!

Photo 7 Pegasus, Babel-17, GB
Photo 8 Another B-17 sandwich

Photo 9 is Shea, but I can't tell who she is talking
to, sorry!
Photo 10 {arms raised} is Bluebottle
Photo 11
Mark on left talking to Pastey
Photo 12
The gorgeous Abi {and Uncle Heavy says he is there too}
Photo 14
My pub quiz team {The University of Mice}
Me on the left, then Orcus, EG Mel and Argon0.
Photo 15
Mark Moxon, Mina and Dr.E Vibenstein
Photo 17 is Joanna (Princess of Darkness).
I will add more photo links as they are posted onsite.
Thursday 5th July
Jumped on the 8.30am train with my daughter and headed for the smoke! As Mina was working I had arranged to spend the afternoon with The Keeper of Quality Footwear (aka London Andy) whom I have met before but he couldn't make the meet-up.

Daughter's friend met her at Kings Cross and they went into the city for the day. I made my way to Piccadilly to meet Andy. He took me to a great little Italian cafe and bought me lunch

I got to the Science Museum but the exhibition I wanted to see wasn't there any more so I made my way to Mina's neck of the woods. It was sweltering and poor Mina was at work and texting me to see where I was. When I arrived at the agreed meeting point I only had to wait about a minute when I saw Mina coming for me. I ran to her car and wrenched open the door and pounced on her, much to the astonishment of the other people waiting for a taxi

It was very emotional, we didn't know whether to laugh or cry

We spent the evening watching a video and downing a couple of bottles of Old Tart

Friday 6th July
Set off early as Mina wanted to take us to have a look around the House of Detention but it had closed down.

So we had a drink in a nearby pub and headed for Hyde Park which is where I wanted to go, for the Prince's Trust event, the showing of 2 Star Trek films. Guess what? That had been cancelled a month previously.

All this time I had been in contact with Shazz via text messaging so we decided to go meet Orcus at the designated meeting place {The Aubrey} in Park Lane which turned out to be rather a posh place. Sitting outside with our drinks, we met up with Orcus then got drenched in a sudden downpour. Decided then to hail a cab to go to where the Dutch contingent were. Once there, the editors showed up and the mini-meet-up was in full swing. Also there was Babel-17 and Other Person. We had a lovely meal, glasses were filled and we toasted Douglas Adams and absent friends.

Saturday 7th July
Next morning we were supposed to be leaving early to meet EV off the train at Kings Cross but my daughter took her time getting ready so poor EV ended up drinking alone in the station pub. He looked happy enough when we finally arrived though.
We headed off to meet Abi and descended on the BBC Experience with great anticipation. Here I finally met Shea, who had flown over from the States for a week, to include the meet-up. We exchanged gifts and hugs! When we finally got into the BBC Experience, I wasn't disappointed. I loved the sound booth where the radio shows are broadcast, we even did our own little play! It was great to read things like the history of Blue Peter and there were biographies of all the presenters. One very entertaining part was watching Mina fall about laughing while she had headphones on. As soon as another set of headphones became available I listened in. It was a series of radio commentators "bloomers" - and they were very funny.

There were also several BBC-online access terminals. And they were full of people trying to log onto their personal spaces!

On the way out we managed to empty the shelves of the BBC shop of Hitchhiker's videos and cassettes.

Onto the Ship and Shovell for the evening do, the pub quiz which was won by the Thingites {although it was very close, one point separating first, second and third place - my team were joint third}.
What a cheer went up when the Thingites were announced the winners!

Einstein was right, you know. His theory of relativity? He must have spent time with great people then had to leave them.
I couldn't believe how quickly the time passed and it was time to go home

At least there were plenty of

Sunday 8th July
What I thought was going to be a long, lonely journey back to Cleethorpes was brightened somewhat by us bumping into Other Person and Pegasus at Kings Cross, who were seeing off Babel-17. We were going in the same direction for the first two hours so I jumped on his train and the time was spent a lot more pleasantly

Saying goodbye to Mina is the price I have to pay for spending time with her. She cried on the station platform as I was waving goodbye but I bit my lip. I had a good weep when I got home.
Thank you everyone for a fantastic 3-day weekend, if I missed anyone I am so sorry, I hope I managed to have a few words with each of you! If you are reading this and feeling jealous that you weren't there, why not try and make it along to the next one? We'd be pleased to see you!