A Conversation for aka's Pet Store
Can I Have...
David R. Litwin Started conversation Jan 26, 2002
Well, I'd like to buy or adopt either/or a red-panda and/or a kiwi (not the fruit; the bird). Would this be possible?
Please Note, Note Bene, Post Scriptum: I have lots of cheesecake if you need that
Can I Have...
David R. Litwin Posted Feb 21, 2002
It's brownish, no wings, long beak with nostrils at the end, national bird of New Zealand, cute, endangered....
Can I Have...
David R. Litwin Posted Apr 10, 2002
Eehhee! Thankyou. How much Cheese/cake will that be?
Can I Have...
Researcher 178815 Posted Apr 12, 2002
Yes it shall In fact, join me at the back room and we'll share them if you like
A thankyou for using aka's pet store
And a quick or
or whatever takes your fancy
aka (",)
Can I Have...
Researcher 178815 Posted Apr 12, 2002
Here is your code to place on your space or other entries (This is just h2g2 accepted HTML, too, so you can paste this anywhere - e-mails, your homepage, message forums elsewhere (but not on h2g2, obviously), wherever!)
<!--BEGIN aka's Pet Store CODE / / KIWI BIRD
Put your text next to your pet, here!
The text might include its name, species,
favourite food, favourite music to dance to,
You can place any GuideML you wish!
END aka's Pet Store CODE / / KIWI BIRD -->
Enjoy it! And if you feel like making a better kiwi bird, feel free but let me know if you want to replace mine with yours at the pet store
Can I Have...
David R. Litwin Posted Apr 13, 2002
I have no idea what to do with all that code. How do I place it? I must commend you though for doing all that; it must have taken a hulluva long time.
Can I Have...
Researcher 178815 Posted Apr 13, 2002
What you do is you copy from the top of the code:
the " <!-- BEGIN aka's Pet Store CODE / / KIWI BIRD "
by highlighting it, all the way down to..
" <!-- END aka's Pet Store CODE / / KIWI BIRD "
where you see the bit about putting your text in, delete that, and replace that with what text you want to be placed beside your pet
Copy the code by pressing CTRL+C, and
Open your Edit My Space page, by clicking here:
<./>UserEdit653259?Masthead=1</.> Next paste it in where you like, by pressing CTRL+V (use COMMAND or APPLE instead of CTRL if you're not using windows
Can I Have...
David R. Litwin Posted Apr 13, 2002
Still didn;t work. Would you mind seeing what I did wrong by going to my site, scrolling down until you see Miscallaneus and clicking click here? I find it simply will not work. Very strange... Not unlike penny lane....
Can I Have...
Researcher 178815 Posted Apr 15, 2002
! Sorry about that (is there an oops smiley? I forgot, and its late...)
A fault on my part - I thought I was using another language, javsacript, where the remark/comment tag has to surround the whole script, but in HTML/GuideML format, it has to be closed before each end of the code..
So effectively what happened was the code was correct, but the way the syntax was used, it was actually telling the browser to disregard the code for the kiwi bird.
Sorry about that!
Try this one:
<!--BEGIN aka's Pet Store CODE / / KIWI BIRD -->
<!-- END aka's Pet Store CODE / / KIWI BIRD -->
My apologies for the inconvinience!
Can I Have...
David R. Litwin Posted Apr 16, 2002
Getting there. Now it says only Blump!. No picture.
Can I Have...
Researcher 178815 Posted Apr 26, 2002
Oh! I'm sorry! Netscape doesn't understand these brilliant user-created smileys and It shows fine in Ie6 for me... Sorry, I should've pointed out
Can I Have...
David R. Litwin Posted May 3, 2002
Na ha! I have a picture but it is about the size of my pinky nail. Can I make it larger?
Can I Have...
Researcher 178815 Posted May 3, 2002
Sorry - look on the page - what you see is what you get - Until we are able to upload our own pictures I can't get in custom bred pets of considerable size
I might re-make the smiley maker to my own version, actually, with more pixel squares, so the end result is, just a little bit bigger
But not just now, I'll just play and eat s for now
Key: Complain about this post
Can I Have...
- 1: David R. Litwin (Jan 26, 2002)
- 2: Researcher 178815 (Feb 19, 2002)
- 3: David R. Litwin (Feb 21, 2002)
- 4: Researcher 178815 (Apr 10, 2002)
- 5: David R. Litwin (Apr 10, 2002)
- 6: Researcher 178815 (Apr 10, 2002)
- 7: David R. Litwin (Apr 10, 2002)
- 8: Researcher 178815 (Apr 11, 2002)
- 9: David R. Litwin (Apr 11, 2002)
- 10: Researcher 178815 (Apr 12, 2002)
- 11: Researcher 178815 (Apr 12, 2002)
- 12: David R. Litwin (Apr 13, 2002)
- 13: Researcher 178815 (Apr 13, 2002)
- 14: David R. Litwin (Apr 13, 2002)
- 15: Researcher 178815 (Apr 15, 2002)
- 16: David R. Litwin (Apr 16, 2002)
- 17: Researcher 178815 (Apr 26, 2002)
- 18: David R. Litwin (May 3, 2002)
- 19: Researcher 178815 (May 3, 2002)
- 20: David R. Litwin (May 6, 2002)
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