A Conversation for The Unofficial H2G2 Lurkers Society
Yet another applicant...
rooftiler - back again, for another bit at least Started conversation Jun 5, 2003
I'd like to join you! I spent quite a few weeks lurking before even registering with h2g2, and still lurk far more than I post.
I even used to try and intimidate my friends by standing too close to them and saying in a menacing fashion. Strangely, no-one really liked it, so I eventually stopped doing it!
Thank you
Yet another applicant...
Becerikli Posted Jul 10, 2003
I've done it again, haven't I? Procrastinate, I mean. Sorry about that.
Yeah, unfortunately there are only few who appreciate a good . I don't quite understand, you even seem to have been nice and let them politely know that you've been lurking. People are such strange creatures.
Anyway, warmly welcome to the club!
Yet another applicant...
rooftiler - back again, for another bit at least Posted Jul 11, 2003
Procrastination's fine, don't worry about it - I do it all the time.
Why I remember one time... - no, I'll tell you another day!
I've got up the courage to make more posts these days - do I still qualify as a lurker?
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Yet another applicant...
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