A Conversation for The Unofficial H2G2 Lurkers Society

Can I play?

Post 1

funky gibbon

Can I join the unofficial lurkers please. smiley - grovel

Can I play?

Post 2


Err.. Could you please stand up? smiley - groveling makes me a bit uncomfortable.. And your knees must be hurting by now.

Sorry for the delay, my Internet connection is acting up a little. It doesn't allow me to connect to any website outside of Finland. That's an improvement, actually. Last week it didn't allow me to connect to any website outside of my home.

I have to get back to work so I'll just say welcome. Welcome! Please, have some smiley - tea and cookies.

Can I play?

Post 3

funky gibbon

smiley - cheers
Thanks for the smiley - tea

Have Fun smiley - biggrin

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