A Conversation for The Unofficial H2G2 Lurkers Society
Can I be an Unofficial Lurker?
Becerikli Posted Feb 1, 2002
Guv? GUV?!? I've never been called a guv! I wonder if I should say that I like that.. People starting to wonder why I walk about so merrily. "I'm a guv", that's what I'll tell 'em! Err.. a bit off the track there, aren't I? I'm just ever so proud! That's what I am! I'd be more than happy to welcome you to our ranks. Welcome, NeoBrad!
Can I be an Unofficial Lurker?
Athena, Muse of Philosophy -1+7+9*(3+0!)+0=42 Posted Feb 1, 2002
May I also join the ranks? Lurking is diffentally a specialty of mine...
Can I be an Unofficial Lurker?
Becerikli Posted Feb 2, 2002
I can't think of a reason why not..
I'm sorry, I'm a bit grumpy and I won't try to be amusing or even slightly interesting, as I just woke up a moment ago and still haven't had my pot of coffee to cure my mood. I'm a bit of a before I get my coffee. Anyway, a warm welcome, Athena!
Can I be an Unofficial Lurker?
3 Of 8: Currently lurking. <?> <BORG> Posted Feb 20, 2002
I hereby submit my official request to join the unofficial lurker's thingymijig
I am an official Real LifeĀ® 'Fruit Machine Lurker' He he he, and I tend to do an awful lot of lurking on here too...
So, can I have the biggest badge? No? Awww Well I think one of those black ones will do just nicely then.
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Can I be an Unofficial Lurker?
- 1: neoBrad - no I'm not! I'm lying! (Feb 1, 2002)
- 2: Becerikli (Feb 1, 2002)
- 3: neoBrad - no I'm not! I'm lying! (Feb 1, 2002)
- 4: Athena, Muse of Philosophy -1+7+9*(3+0!)+0=42 (Feb 1, 2002)
- 5: Becerikli (Feb 2, 2002)
- 6: Athena, Muse of Philosophy -1+7+9*(3+0!)+0=42 (Feb 2, 2002)
- 7: 3 Of 8: Currently lurking. <?> <BORG> (Feb 20, 2002)
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