A Conversation for Big Bandwagon - The Garden

Other Side of the Garden

Post 21

cafram - in the states.

We gave Sandy....uh...Zeppo...a bath!! (just pretend I am an annoying red-head who goes on and on about tomorrow...)

Other Side of the Garden

Post 22

Researcher 178815


Other Side of the Garden

Post 23

cafram - in the states.

smiley - groan

Do ~none~ of you have any culture?!


smiley - musicalnoteThe sun'll come out....tomorrow...smiley - musicalnote

Other Side of the Garden

Post 24

Researcher 178815

smiley - whistle waits for webtv to do what it should.....

Other Side of the Garden

Post 25

soeasilyamused, or sea

cafram is making an "Annie" allusion... you have such a lovely voice, cafram! in my head it sounds just like annie's! *grin*

Other Side of the Garden

Post 26

dElaphant (and Zeppo his dog (and Gummo, Zeppos dog)) - Left my apostrophes at the BBC

I suggest we take our "rope" over by the tree, and try to scale the wall

Other Side of the Garden

Post 27

soeasilyamused, or sea

sounds good, d'E.

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