A Conversation for The Empire State Building

No Subject

Post 1


What say we schedule a meeting of politicians beneath the Empire State Building, hmmm? WE could all be on top, with a coupel hundred pennies...

Empire follies

Post 2

John the gardener says, "Free Tibet!"

I'm sure we could find enough sponsors to come up with a gold brick or two.

Empire follies

Post 3


yeah, those could work for the First family. What do thery call the Vice-Pres's family, the Second Family???

Empire follies

Post 4

John the gardener says, "Free Tibet!"

Boy, talk about teenage angst!

Some of those folks would probably need more than one brick.

Empire follies

Post 5

mrs. slartibartfast

why don't we keep the pennies and bricks and drop the politicians off the building? very economical.

Empire follies

Post 6


a far superior idea
i do
like the economies

Empire follies

Post 7


Hmm, I agree! But they might just float down, seeing as how they're all filled with hot air.

Empire follies

Post 8


I still think
its worth a try
they might just float away
on the breeze

Empire follies

Post 9

mrs. slartibartfast

well, we could bring along some dart guns and make sport out of them. economical and FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Empire follies

Post 10


just dont stand directly under them

Empire follies

Post 11

John the gardener says, "Free Tibet!"

We should be wary of propagating airborne pollution.

Empire follies

Post 12

mrs. slartibartfast

we've already propagated a ton so i think a little more won't hurt.and make sure to wear a helmet, so you can stand where you like.

Empire follies

Post 13


an umbrella from
Umbrellas R Us
might be a useful addition to the armoury
as well

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