Big Bandwagon

3 Conversations

In keeping with the trend for variations on a theme, the global market for reselling an idea, the Post is proud to present Big Bandwagon.

We will be gathering an intrepid group of h2g2 researchers and placing them inside their own secluded virtual house. They will have to agree not to post to forums outside of the house during their stay. All their conversations will have to be between each other, and only in the threads in the house.

It'll be tough, not posting outside the house, and not having non house residents posting inside the house. But I think it'll be fun, we could go on about the social experiment side but we're just after the fun.

Each week researchers will be able to vote out virtual residents, those they feel aren't making the most contribution to the conversation threads, those that seem to have just given up interest, those that are, let's face it, the weakest link. The results will be publish in each weeks edition of the Post, with the evictee learning their fate.

The house is currently under construction and now we're looking for intrepid volunteers to sign up as recruits for this blatant rip off.

If you are interested, then sign up below and let us know.

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