A Conversation for I Love You All Very Much

Would it be easier to read like this. Do smiley work?

Post 41

The Understudy - Makoun the Passmaster

When im with my family I have a very short fuse. With friends, I have the longest fuse. Im just forking angry atm and I need to vent some anger. You know Im not normally an angry person.


smiley - dragon

Would it be easier to read like this. Do smiley work?

Post 42

Geoffrey Geoffreyson's Bovine Revenge

Let your anger out. But try to keep it clean.

Would it be easier to read like this. Do smiley work?

Post 43

Andrei Arshavin-Makes scoring four goals at Anfield look "Simples!"

I dont know what that means to be honest Understudy.

Do you mean your real family....not the 606 family?smiley - smiley

Would it be easier to read like this. Do smiley work?

Post 44

Geoffrey Geoffreyson's Bovine Revenge

We're here for you Understudy.

Because we're a real family!

Would it be easier to read like this. Do smiley work?

Post 45

Andrei Arshavin-Makes scoring four goals at Anfield look "Simples!"

I am really looking forward to the return of proper football on the weekend. Is it sad to be looking forward to it already?

Would it be easier to read like this. Do smiley work?

Post 46

The Understudy - Makoun the Passmaster

My immediate family not you lovable bunch of gooners, RAF and fellow villan Hercs

Would it be easier to read like this. Do smiley work?

Post 47

Geoffrey Geoffreyson's Bovine Revenge

What's up? Anything you particularly wish to talk about?

Would it be easier to read like this. Do smiley work?

Post 48

The Understudy - Makoun the Passmaster

No just anger at parents. Myah myah tidy your room.

Get bent.

I said tidy your room.

Why? IMy part of the rooms tidy!

Myah myah tidy toom

Im not tidying! I m going on 606!

Would it be easier to read like this. Do smiley work?

Post 49

Geoffrey Geoffreyson's Bovine Revenge

I know it can be annoying, but try to keep your cool about it. Easier said than done perhaps, but you don't need me to tell you that.

Just be careful though, they've removed your swearing comment from earlier.

Would it be easier to read like this. Do smiley work?

Post 50

The Understudy - Makoun the Passmaster

which one? did i swear earlier?

Would it be easier to read like this. Do smiley work?

Post 51

fasc cebregas

i just drank a litre of wine in 15 minutes for some reason smiley - redwine

Would it be easier to read like this. Do smiley work?

Post 52

Geoffrey Geoffreyson's Bovine Revenge

Yeah, the one where you asked if you could swear, and I replied by telling you you shouldn't if you want to stay active! smiley - winkeye

I really shouldn't take the moral high ground.

Would it be easier to read like this. Do smiley work?

Post 53

claretgunnergirl - accept no imitations.

smiley - diva Just looking ...

I Enjoy An Occasional Drink!

Post 54

chrisdgooner - Snood Doggy Dogg

I....am....slightly....tipsy! smiley - diva

I Enjoy An Occasional Drink!

Post 55

claretgunnergirl - accept no imitations.

I ... am ... very ... tipsy smiley - biggrin

I Enjoy An Occasional Drink!

Post 56

chrisdgooner - Snood Doggy Dogg


I Enjoy many many Drinks!

Post 57

claretgunnergirl - accept no imitations.


I Enjoy many many Drinks!

Post 58

chrisdgooner - Snood Doggy Dogg

How are you? I fell up the stairs.

I Enjoy many many Drinks!

Post 59

claretgunnergirl - accept no imitations.

If I had stairs, I would no doubt die on them :o) I've had a wicked night with the girls, but I'm wrecked. Don't ever smoke tampons. It's not a good look.

I Enjoy many many Drinks!

Post 60

chrisdgooner - Snood Doggy Dogg

I will never smoke tampons. That is my vow....to you!

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