A Conversation for I Love You All Very Much

Would it be easier to read like this. Do smiley work?

Post 21

Andrei Arshavin-Makes scoring four goals at Anfield look "Simples!"


Would it be easier to read like this. Do smiley work?

Post 22

Geoffrey Geoffreyson's Bovine Revenge

I'm not sure what to say anymore.

Would it be easier to read like this. Do smiley work?

Post 23

The Understudy - Makoun the Passmaster

TAZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT WAS YOU! YOU ALL THE TIME!

Would it be easier to read like this. Do smiley work?

Post 24

Andrei Arshavin-Makes scoring four goals at Anfield look "Simples!"

What would you like to say?

Chris and Lu have some most strange conversations on facebooksmiley - erm

Would it be easier to read like this. Do smiley work?

Post 25

The Understudy - Makoun the Passmaster


Big melons

Post 26

fasc cebregas

smiley - hotdog

Would it be easier to read like this. Do smiley work?

Post 27

Geoffrey Geoffreyson's Bovine Revenge

"What would you like to say?"

Hehe hmmm. Let's see? Many things that would get me removed. For the first time ever, might I add.

Sorry Understudy, but do you really care?

Would it be easier to read like this. Do smiley work?

Post 28

The Understudy - Makoun the Passmaster

Yes I do. I knew you for ages, yet you did not reveal it. Thats why you were on that Blackburn thread! Betrayal!

Would it be easier to read like this. Do smiley work?

Post 29

Geoffrey Geoffreyson's Bovine Revenge

I didn't reveal it to ANYONE because it was stupid, and by the end, I'd pretty much forgotten about the whole episode.

Would it be easier to read like this. Do smiley work?

Post 30

The Understudy - Makoun the Passmaster

Hmm.. Proud/JJG/Whatever knew

Would it be easier to read like this. Do smiley work?

Post 31

Andrei Arshavin-Makes scoring four goals at Anfield look "Simples!"

He just figured it out.

None of us knew, he denied it when ever you accused himsmiley - laugh

Lets move onsmiley - ok

Would it be easier to read like this. Do smiley work?

Post 32

Geoffrey Geoffreyson's Bovine Revenge

Yeah, tbf, Proud worked it out all by himself.

What are we doing tonight?

Would it be easier to read like this. Do smiley work?

Post 33

The Understudy - Makoun the Passmaster

And you had another account AA!
Am i the only one with only 1 account??

Would it be easier to read like this. Do smiley work?

Post 34

Andrei Arshavin-Makes scoring four goals at Anfield look "Simples!"

Can you at least be subtle Understudy!!!!

Would it be easier to read like this. Do smiley work?

Post 35

The Understudy - Makoun the Passmaster

they trace it back anyway.

Would it be easier to read like this. Do smiley work?

Post 36

Andrei Arshavin-Makes scoring four goals at Anfield look "Simples!"

Yes but only if they have a reason to look into itsmiley - erm

Would it be easier to read like this. Do smiley work?

Post 37

Geoffrey Geoffreyson's Bovine Revenge

They'll trace it if we state it obviously!

I think that's one of the reasons Proud got caught, along with his whole Malmo thread escapade.

Would it be easier to read like this. Do smiley work?

Post 38

The Understudy - Makoun the Passmaster


Would it be easier to read like this. Do smiley work?

Post 39

Andrei Arshavin-Makes scoring four goals at Anfield look "Simples!"

What wrong Understudy. You seem a bit down....your not really angry with us are you?smiley - sadface

Would it be easier to read like this. Do smiley work?

Post 40

Geoffrey Geoffreyson's Bovine Revenge

You were always my number one Villa fan, Understudy smiley - hug

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