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I'm upset!!!!

Post 12681


''Indeed, it's vile. I would rather drink bile. 'Cause I've got style.''

Style that is lovely? I'm feeling jubbly, I might offer you some bubbly.

Well yes you can, actually

Post 12682

rowlybirkin - Clearing the boundary by the Severn - Creator of non working thingite smileys

Oh no..........................you just used the word actually in relation to a statement by Bertrand Russell!!! Here comes Timmy Mallett smiley - run

I'm upset!!!!

Post 12683

George Anders Ray Eddie Tony Herbert

"I don't like Vimto either, but I'll partake in a cheeky Vimto, should the need ever arise."

Yeah I'm a bit like that. Also I'm not keen on Dr Pepper but I'll happily have an amaretto and coke which tastes the same.

Was it Eastbourne who used to go on about Vodka and Vimto?

I'm upset!!!!

Post 12684

Melocanayaya - The Scourge Of Boy Bastin

I love Dr Pepper. smiley - tongueout Mmmmmmm

I'm upset!!!!

Post 12685

Andrei Arshavin-Makes scoring four goals at Anfield look "Simples!"


Sounds like Eastbourne. It seemed like he drunk it as if it were water.

I'm upset!!!!

Post 12686


"Style that is lovely? I'm feeling jubbly, I might offer you some bubbly."

I appreciate your gift, but alcohol to my mouth I do not lift, flour I like to sift?

I'm upset!!!!

Post 12687

George Anders Ray Eddie Tony Herbert

"It seemed like he drunk it as if it were water."

It was one of the things I liked most about him. If he drank even half as much as he said he did he'd give Dave Pundit a run for his money.

I'm upset!!!!

Post 12688

Melocanayaya - The Scourge Of Boy Bastin

I'm really tired. I'm going home.

Bye all. smiley - smooch

I'm upset!!!!

Post 12689

claretgunnergirl - accept no imitations.

Yeah I'm a bit like that. Also I'm not keen on Dr Pepper but I'll happily have an amaretto and coke which tastes the same.


Exactly!!! Although I think it also tastes of Marzipan smiley - erm And I'm not a lager drinker at all, but if I get the opportunity for a Poer Shandy, I'm in there smiley - ok

I'm upset!!!!

Post 12690

fasc cebregas

smiley - wahsmiley - wahsmiley - wahsmiley - wahsmiley - wahsmiley - wahsmiley - wah

I'm upset!!!!

Post 12691


''I appreciate your gift, but alcohol to my mouth I do not lift, flour I like to sift?''

Flour is quite white, when it helps make cakes it is a delight, something I would like to make tonight.

I'm upset!!!!

Post 12692

fasc cebregas

Flour is quite white, when it helps make cakes it is a delight, something I would like to make tonight.

Tonight is going to be great, and when it gets late, i might just mas.....

I'm upset!!!!

Post 12693


"Flour is quite white, when it helps make cakes it is a delight, something I would like to make tonight."

Everybody loves cake, I love to eat it when I wake, but tell me, have you ever tried it with steak?

I'm upset!!!!

Post 12694

George Anders Ray Eddie Tony Herbert

"And I'm not a lager drinker at all, but if I get the opportunity for a Poer Shandy, I'm in there"

Do you mean power shandy? Is that the same as a turbo shandy? Lager and Smirnoff Ice?

That stuff is pretty lethal. During the height of my binge drinking days at uni we used to mix any spirits we could together and then use Smirnoff Ice as a mixer. I have large chunks of my life that are missing.

Inspiration is all that's needed

Post 12695

rowlybirkin - Clearing the boundary by the Severn - Creator of non working thingite smileys

Whilst idling through the guide you can come across some really fascinating entries and/or discussions.

This isn't one of them but I pass it on to you so that you may never feel worried that you are not worthy to post an article.

Not that you lot are ever likely to.. (feel unworthy I mean).

This is the article and its subsequent discussion. Enjoy.

Cult Films
I am going to attempt the seemingly impossible. I am going to create the definitive guide to Cult movies. In this space will one day be everything you need to know about these movies. What is their premise? Why do they gather a following? Movies such as "The Crow", "Mad Max", and "Porky's" will all get entries in this guide. If you'd like to help out, please, don't hesitiate to ask!

posted 25th July 2001

Here are the response since then.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Not that the poster has been completely dormant. as well as the Cult Movie Article, they have also been involved in a Wrestling Article:

Hello there...I was just wondering if you would like some help on your Guide to wrestling. I follow wrestling almost religiously, and I have a knack for writing, so I was wondering if you would allow me to put both together and help with your guide entry. Thanks, please contact me whether you'll accept or not. Thanks.

The rest, as the immortal Will hath it "is silence."

Inspiration is all that's needed

Post 12696

rowlybirkin - Clearing the boundary by the Severn - Creator of non working thingite smileys

And another thing. Don't be stupid and put in a long line of dots, it just messes up the page.

I'm upset!!!!

Post 12697


''Tonight is going to be great, and when it gets late, i might just mas.....''

Such a dirty fellow, why don't you try to be mellow? go and play the cello.

Inspiration is all that's needed

Post 12698

claretgunnergirl - accept no imitations.

Do you mean power shandy? Is that the same as a turbo shandy? Lager and Smirnoff Ice?


I do. It is. Yes.

I'm worried that me and GAR come from the same drinking school smiley - sadface I'm the one that uses white wine as a mixer for spirits when I don't have anything more suitable.

Alchohol is the tool of the devil

Post 12699

rowlybirkin - Clearing the boundary by the Severn - Creator of non working thingite smileys

CGG and GAR, so then have either of you ever done the Withnail challenge? I assume no as you both appear to be alive.

Inspiration is all that's needed

Post 12700

George Anders Ray Eddie Tony Herbert

White wine is as good a mixer as any.

Did your drinking school teach you to drink as much as possible and never stop?

If so it sounds like mine.

Me and my mate also used to do 'vodka tops' where we'd buy a lager and then put a double vodka in to it. I think our tolerance levels for lager were so strong that we needed the vodka to get us drunk.

I've also done a similar thing with gin and guinness. That's quite unpleasant.

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