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The Plot Thickens

Post 10161


smiley - blush

Yeaaah all good! Can't believe how early in the day it is!

How aree you?

Hersss, check yo mail in the next hour, mail coming your way, a location is sorted. Just need a lift for Neil and Sidders!

The Plot Thickens

Post 10162

claretgunnergirl - accept no imitations.

Yourself included CGG?


Absolutely. smiley - ok I may be an especially remarkable example of the species, but it doen't make me any less crazy then the rest of them.

I even asked Hercs if his girlfriend would object if I added him on FB and he replied that she wouldn't as long as I sent him lots of naked pictures. Maybe I didn't send the pictures in time smiley - cry

The Plot Thickens

Post 10163

George Anders Ray Eddie Tony Herbert

Hercs, did you really think she'd be cool with it?

Do you people not pay attention to women? They're all nuts.

No offence CGG. But you know it's true.

The Plot Thickens

Post 10164

claretgunnergirl - accept no imitations.

Hercs smiley - wah This is why I asked you before I added you ... at this rate I'll be the most hated woman on the internet. All the WAGs of 606ers will club together and get a hit man for me. I'm going to go into hiding.

The Plot Thickens

Post 10165

Herc - 606er in Exile

GAR, I'm not just a man, I'm an idiot. I realise now that I was an idiot too.

The Plot Thickens

Post 10166

Herc - 606er in Exile

It's not your fault CGG, I was a mug and didn't think.

But anyway, like I said got quite a bit on til Thursday so I'll not be around as much til then.

The Plot Thickens

Post 10167


GAR - You speak the truth.

The one that REALLY gets me is the food thing. You didn't want chips when I ordered them, DON'T steal mine. smiley - grr

CGG - perhaps I'll check FB for comments that may upset Mrs E. smiley - ok

The Plot Thickens

Post 10168

George Anders Ray Eddie Tony Herbert

"But anyway, like I said got quite a bit on til Thursday so I'll not be around as much til then."

Been booked in for your neutering already, Hercs?

The Plot Thickens

Post 10169


Can I ask who's Nisreen Miller, because there's a facebook with her name and she's fit!

Just wondered if that was a joke set-up by Arsenal fans?!

The Plot Thickens

Post 10170

Herc - 606er in Exile

I wish GAR ... Health & Safety course smiley - wow

The Plot Thickens

Post 10171

claretgunnergirl - accept no imitations.

CGG - perhaps I'll check FB for comments that may upset Mrs E


I don't make comments to upset wives and girlfriends on FB pages!! To be honest, I don't even make them in public unless encouraged to do so by the man in question. Privately is a different matter though ... smiley - winkeye

The Plot Thickens

Post 10172

fasc cebregas

pickle my junk

The Plot Thickens

Post 10173


CGG - NO NO, not you silly.

Just thought I'd better remove evidence of the naked conversation on the society page.

Privately........................ you have my interest. smiley - winkeye

Hercules, Hercules, Where for art thou Hercules?

Post 10174

rowlybirkin - Clearing the boundary by the Severn - Creator of non working thingite smileys

Just want to say, and forgive me for saying it, and take the michael out of me as much as you wish, and I honestly haven't reacted the last 49 times this quote has been adapted on 606, etc etc, but as a fully paid up member of the Society for stopping people misusing Shakespeare quotes: "Wherefore art thou" means "Why are you" Not "WHERE are you"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And pay attention at the back and stop picking your nose.

Rant over, carry on smiley - applause

Hercules, Hercules, Where for art thou Hercules?

Post 10175


smiley - yikes Rowly

Duly noted!!

The Plot Thickens

Post 10176

claretgunnergirl - accept no imitations.

The society page is private, so you can only see it if you're a member Eames. Unless your wife uses your FB log-in and checks up on you, you should be alright.

I just don't understand why men think their wives are entirely tolerant of them flirting with other women when they're obviously not. And I don't know why women allow men to flirt shamelessly with their friends, but not with other women on the internet who they have no chance of ever meeting. It's all a bit wierd.

Hercules, Hercules, Where for art thou Hercules?

Post 10177


I was just about to say that Rowly

Hercules, Hercules, Where for art thou Hercules?

Post 10178

fasc cebregas

where for art thou ranting Rowly?


Post 10179


What's your facebook Eameess...? Or is that top secet military shit?

Hercules, Hercules, Where for art thou Hercules?

Post 10180

George Anders Ray Eddie Tony Herbert

Surely the question is still valid though Rowly. I for one would like to know why Hercs is Hercules? Has he been set 12 tasks? Is he a demi-god? Is he the Roman adaption of the greek myth of Heracles? Or is it just a nickname?

These questions must be answered.

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