A Conversation for Just visiting

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Post 181

Gael Force Clichy: Cesc bomb, Cesc bomb, you're our Cesc bomb

smiley - laugh Proud, Gross_is_god is even following you to YouTube now?


Post 182

Herc - 606er in Exile

I'll check it out when I get home .... I can't go on Youtube at work. If I could it probably wouldn't even be worth going home smiley - laugh


Post 183

Andrei Arshavin-Makes scoring four goals at Anfield look "Simples!"

If anyone looking for the 606 thread:http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/606/F14985344?thread=6987631&show=50


Post 184

Gael Force Clichy: Cesc bomb, Cesc bomb, you're our Cesc bomb

That smiley just doesn't look like he's laughing *erm*

And the proper "erm" one here is also gay.


Post 185

ProudToSayThatName - Godspeed fair Bastin, journey far and wide and bring back booze

"Proud, Gross_is_god is even following you to YouTube now?"

Yeah it's great isn't it?

I'd love to become famous and win an award. I'd thank gross_is_god for all his support.

I reckon his brain would explode.


Post 186

Herc - 606er in Exile

The Smiley for imodium? smiley - laugh


Post 187

Gael Force Clichy: Cesc bomb, Cesc bomb, you're our Cesc bomb

And who's that rather dashing person who made the first comment? smiley - cool


Post 188

Holloway Afro

GFC smiley - tickle

I think I might like it here. I've had a scoot around and it's like a Utopia
I might just use 606 for when I wanna be on topic.

I wonder if Gross_is_god realises that his 1075 accounts would work here, or even Bobby Heeenan smiley - yikes


Post 189

Gael Force Clichy: Cesc bomb, Cesc bomb, you're our Cesc bomb

What's worse? CHAfro tickling me, or me liking it? smiley - winkeye

It's not so bad here once you get used to the nasty colours, the other skins aren't so great for me smiley - erm


Post 190

Herc - 606er in Exile

Afro did you discover this place? If you did, how?


Post 191

Melocanayaya - The Scourge Of Boy Bastin

gross_is_god is one of the funniest people on the internet! He doesn't mean to be but I can't help but laugh! smiley - laugh That guy is hysterical!!

Love the stand up Proud. I've seen a fair few amateur stand ups but you're easily one of the better ones. smiley - ok


Post 192

Holloway Afro

I sort of stumbled on it Herc.

I was trying to get back to 606 through the bbc.co.uk main page. Saw H2G2 and realised that my ID works.

There are loads of other random threads on here some with way over 2000 posts on it.

I also like the fact I can see new posts on here and 606 using the my conversations tab and I can Private message you all (I think)

Lemme try it.


Post 193

ProudToSayThatName - Godspeed fair Bastin, journey far and wide and bring back booze

"Love the stand up Proud. I've seen a fair few amateur stand ups but you're easily one of the better ones."

Why thank you. I like to think I've improved since then too. I've cut out some of the less successful material and introduced a bit more lunacy.


Post 194

Herc - 606er in Exile

Oh yeah I can see you can add friends and leave messages and stuff, it's like 606 but better, but worse if you know what I mean.


Post 195

ProudToSayThatName - Godspeed fair Bastin, journey far and wide and bring back booze

Just tried to leave you a private message CHAfro but I think anyone can access it through your member page so it's not particularly private. Is there another way?

I want to have an illicit affair with MCY and GFC without either of them knowing.


Post 196

Melocanayaya - The Scourge Of Boy Bastin

If you're even half as funny as you are on 606, you'll be a success.

Where's your show?


Post 197

Herc - 606er in Exile

I've just commented on your private message Proud so I'd abort the affair plans for the time being.


Post 198

ProudToSayThatName - Godspeed fair Bastin, journey far and wide and bring back booze

This post has been removed.


Post 199

EdwardCatflap. Tones Lowered At Your Leisure

What and who got something removed?
Never seen that before.


Post 200

Melocanayaya - The Scourge Of Boy Bastin

Wow! Lucy Porter? I like her. She's not much of a comedian but I like her anyway.

You're better than her Proud. And if it is a bear pit, just show them your arse. smiley - ok

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