The Systemic Universe or 2 worlds/ states exchange

1 Conversation

I believe that reality works in part on the following principle that I designate The Accumulation/ Discharge Cycle (input/ output dynamic). It can be seen in the motion of everything physical and through emotion as a vehicle for change. It includes thought and action as opposing pairs, which like electric polarity, moves from one state to another. The way I see it is that it is no coincidence that certain characteristics go with one or the other e.g. thought and doubt, action and confidence - to act is to believe as to stand back and observe is to disbelieve: This particular idea I call The Artist Effect because it is about stepping forward to act (alter) as we step back to examine what has been done, in order to judge if anything further needs to be altered or not (Speeding things up for effect (warmth) or slowing them down for clarity (cooling them down)). This cycle includes everything from sex, the seasons, the tide to peristaltic contractions, blood circulation etc.(The Vacuole Effect or sucking in new experience and blowing out waste products (old ideas) - in fact you could say that as we go through the universe, the universe goes through us and that things don't so much change as exchange (no death, just transformation)). In emotional terms this means that to deprogram our minds and reprogram them with new experiences, we must dump our old prejudices by expressing them. This allows us to move on physically and explore the world again with new eyes (sound is energy moving (expanding/ relaxing) as sight is transfixed attention, that hold us in thrall (intellect or insight/ understanding as opposed to the mystery that moves us i.e. the war between reason and feeling (science versus religion) or feminine and masculine directions of energy/ attention.

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