A Conversation for Talking Point: Modern Life Is Rubbish

Stop and look around.

Post 1

Ancient Brit

At the moment the human race is in control of it's own destiny and as successive generations 'struggle' to survive, is it time to consider survival requirements and how best to achieve them ? A look at modern living brings into question the direction we are going. Each generation brings its winners and losers. Modern living demands winners among winners and unfortunately this creates losers among losers. Modern living looks for reward, and in modern times the simple reward is money. The progress of modern living depends on money but the modern world continues to devalue it to the extent that more and more of it becomes necessary to make the world go round.
It is frightening to realise that money in itself is a worthless commodity and does not exists in the amount that is required. Modern living is paid for by adding a few noughts to the already outstanding debts of the worlds nations.
The time has surely come when each individual must give a fair days work for a fair days pay (reward).

Stop and look around.

Post 2


Money itself has no real value, it is only a token by which people attribute a certain value and who is to say what that this is correct?
For every individual it's different someone may not think twice about paying £2000 for a large Plasma TV they can ill afford and yet for someone else in the same street this will feed the family for a whole year!
A lot of people are now victims of consumerism driven by what economists call "growth", this is sustained by the very institutions that have recently come unstuck and as usual it is the people working on the ground that have probably suffered the most.
You can take it into your own hands to stop this by living your life to add value rather than trying to compete for others wealth. We live in an abundant world and if we could all realize this and live according to this philosophy there is enough of everything to go round.
I have worked for a company for twenty years and have always done good work and added value yet, I am still paid less that £25000 a year. If you consider how much things cost I also do not consider this fair as another worker although with a different label (Manager) who does a different job but which as far as I can tell adds no more value to the company than me gets £50000 a year.
It is up to us individually to look at our positions and if not happy, take steps to change it! this I am now doing and I urge you to do the same whatever path you choose to take, just forget about winners and losers, we can all have what we need if we give more than we take. Teach your children the value of earning something rather than getting it on credit and maybe the next generation will have everything they need without such a struggle.
smiley - winkeye

Stop and look around.

Post 3

Ancient Brit

The human species is able to provide the things it 'wants' by using its own devices to exploit nature but to provide what it 'needs' has to be done in partnership with nature. Unfortunately there are those who believe that man should protect and preserve nature but raise objections to him delving into the true make up and understanding of nature and life itself.
Is 'working' for money a real purpose in life ? Money can help to provide wants but unless used properly it will never provide needs.

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