"Ask Prof" Testing Page

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Ask Prof

Here goes the title of the week

This is the bit where I type up a load of nonsense. For the first week this'll be the only part to feature in the column, but afterwards I'll have my usual ramblings here, and then the letters and answers. The stuff I'd talk about would usually directly refer to subject matter from the past week of news, be it either real life news, or stuff happening on h2g2 or in San Beta.

I'd also make any relevent announcements from the Ministry for Science & Technology and San Betian Embassy here, along with any news I'm authorised to give out from Alabaster House. Parties and other events will be advertised (so to speak, though I'll make sure they're inkeeping with the subject matter), and I'd pose any questions I may have for my readers here.

I'd then move swiftly on to the letters.


Here is the letters' section of the column. In this paragraph, I would make any comments I feel I should make regarding the week's submissions. For instance, if they all follow a particular theme, or if too many people are using the message system rather than e-mail for their questions, I'd make the right point.

Name: <name of sender goes here>
Subject: <subject of e-mail goes here>

In this space the e-mail will feature. If requested, annonimity will be provided for, and I assure you that no one's e-mail address will be published, bar my own. I do correct silly typos and grammatical errors, including over-capitalisation, so that the column has an orderly look. Any uses of bold or italics in the original e-mail will be displayed here as normal text, as this text here is all italic already.

My answer to the e-mail will go here. It may of course extend for some time, especially if it's on a topic I enjoy. Naturally, I'll try to give as good an answer I can, and will make it as humorous as I possibly can.

After all the e-mails are finished, I will make my final comments here. They will usually just rap up the column nicely, and close any loose end. This bit won't be too long. Do note though that I may include something else before this, say, a scientific fact or something, but it would usually feature in the first paragraph on this page.

Yours <stupid words go here>,

- Professor Christopher Tonks

Minister for Science & Technology for the Alabaster House

GalaGroup Overseer to San Beta


(Page looks best in Alabaster.)

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