FrontPage Archive - October 2009

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5 October 2009

An ear of wheat.A Gluten-free Diet - A comprehensive guide to what you can or cannot eat and drink if wheat is definitely NOT your friend.

Pickett's Charge - An account of the General Lee's disastrous tactic at the Battle of Gettysburg that led to the defeat of the Confederates.

Aldebaran: 'the Eye of the Bull' - 40-50 times larger than our own puny sun, Aldebaran A is the brightest star in the Taurus constellation.

QOTD: Never played Second Life. I've enough problems coping with the first one.

12 October 2009

Two fried eggs.Five Ways to Fry an Egg - Over easy or sunny side up? A comprehensive guide to preparing your breakfast.

Star Trek: The Tricorder - A definitive history of one of the most essential bits of kit for exploring a newly discovered planet!

I-Spy: a Publishing Phenomenon - Running to over 40 titles, discover Charles Warrell's literary revolution for children.

QOTD: … and I still have a thing for long-haired programmers somewhere about me. I don't know why.

13 October 2009


19 October 2009

An iceberg.Ice - An in-depth look at H2O when it's below zero degrees. While many areas of civilisation need ice, many others must contend with it.

Nerdfighters and Nerdfighting - Discover the arcane history of reducing the amount of 'suck' on our planet.

Pleasant Pheasant: A Recipe for Roasted Pheasant - It's not just the fowl you avoid running over: are you game for this tasty dish?

QOTD: I don't believe in reincarnation … but in a former life, I did

26 October 2009

Part of a map of Europe coloured with four colours.The Four Colour Theorem - How a conjecture on the minimum number of colours required to draw a map became a theorem.

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome - It is thought that in this condition a high level of insulin leads to the persistence of immature egg follicles.

Queen Victoria's Railway - Fascinating account of a local railway line with royal connections, operating between Fareham and Gosport.

QOTD: effeminate? I'd have said it's more to do with being coy but inviting. Pretending to be shy to entice, perhaps less of the coy and more of the enticing with a hint of cheek...


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