spoof - the drinking game

2 Conversations

Spoof. Usually a drinking game , in which the object is to get 'out', and the last remaining player does a forfeit [buys round of drinks etc]. Each player needs three counters [typically coins]. The game is played in 'rounds', with one or no players succeeding in getting 'out' each round until one [the loser] remains.

For each round they will place between zero and all three counters in one hand, and put that hand 'in', where it is visible, and remains until all are revealed. When everyones' hands are in, starting to the left of the first person to put their hand in, each player in turn attempts to guess the total number of counters in the circle [so possible guesses range from 0 to 3n where there are n players in the round]. Only one player may 'have' each number. When everyone has guessed, counters are revealed, and if a player has guessed the correct number they are out of the game and do not participate in following rounds.

Often accompanied by necessary ritual for drinking games such as saying "Oofy Doofy, Up the Spoofey, my guess is Eight" or whatever. Obviously each player knows how many coins are in their hand, which can rule out a few potential guesses :

if I have 0 coins in the possible total number of coins is 0 to 3n-3
if I have 3 coins in the possible total number of coins is 3 to 3n
if I have x coins the possible total number of coins is x to 3(n-1)+x

so anyone guessing either 0 or 3n is either signposting what they've put in or bluffing. And they'd be pretty silly to bet on 2 if they have 3 counters in. However bluff and double-bluff play a large part in this .

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