A Conversation for The Drinks Table


Post 1

LittleMissFordPrefect * scfitu * KoRCS * PS of the ....*

Which of these would be non-alchoholic then...

Oh stuff it smiley - biggrin I'm celebrating,
Can I have a Celebration Champagne please ...

hmm..if anyone asks, I'm short for my age...
smiley - winkeye


Post 2

Frankie Roberto

I don't think there are any limits in H2G2 world.

And what are students if not notorious under-age drinkers? smiley - smiley


Post 3

LittleMissFordPrefect * scfitu * KoRCS * PS of the ....*

Oh good

I'll take two then...smiley - biggrin



Post 4

LittleMissFordPrefect * scfitu * KoRCS * PS of the ....*

smiley - drunk

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