A Conversation for The End of Exams Barbecue & Celebration

E o E B & C

Post 1

NMcCoy (attempting to standardize my username across the Internet. Formerly known as Twinkle.)

E o E B & C...

Now what are you up to, Abi?

E o E B & C

Post 2



E o E B & C

Post 3


Eat only Earthly Bread and Cheese?

E o E B & C

Post 4

dElaphant (and Zeppo his dog (and Gummo, Zeppos dog)) - Left my apostrophes at the BBC

Ears of Elephants, Bats & Cats.
smiley - dog

E o E B & C

Post 5


Something to do with Elly and Bob?

or Every One eat Branston and Cheese ???????

E o E B & C

Post 6


Engagement of E.B.&.C???
don't know who they are but if it's true...congratulationssmiley - biggrinsmiley - hugsmiley - bubbly

E o E B & C

Post 7

NMcCoy (attempting to standardize my username across the Internet. Formerly known as Twinkle.)

Ooh, just noticed it's gone blank now... could this mean something?

E o E B & C

Post 8

NMcCoy (attempting to standardize my username across the Internet. Formerly known as Twinkle.)

smiley - blush
Um, I did the GuideML check and it had the stuff on it... So I found out what it was early... Sorry... Is that cheating? I probably shouldn't have posted it here either... I have a tendency to accidentally bend the rules, it's not my fault... Well, actually it probably is...

E o E B & C

Post 9

NMcCoy (attempting to standardize my username across the Internet. Formerly known as Twinkle.)

And there's a typo. "one" should be "once".
Still sorry...

E o E B & C

Post 10


We never do the final subbing until the morning the pages go up Twinkl!

E o E B & C

Post 11

NMcCoy (attempting to standardize my username across the Internet. Formerly known as Twinkle.)

I'm still Twinkle, I just lent an E to Grebo. smiley - smiley

E o E B & C

Post 12


ahhh well you know I can wait any more I am going to reveal the pages now! smiley - smiley

E o E B & C

Post 13

Frankie Roberto

Ah... Damn!

I should have guessed that, I was in the thread when we decided to have the party! Doh.

Ah well, time to sit back and enjoy the party! smiley - bubbly anyone?

E o E B & C

Post 14


Last one in the swimming pool is a rotten egg! smiley - laugh

E o E B & C

Post 15

Frankie Roberto

*Abi jumps in*

You just did that so we couldn't push you!

E o E B & C

Post 16


Whahey! A swimmingpool! smiley - biggrin Wait, I have to find my...
*Rummaging through her handbag she finds an inflated bathing-ring (dodgy translating..)*

This is lovely! smiley - biggrin

E o E B & C

Post 17

Frankie Roberto

Oh well I may aswell join you, don't want to be a rotten egg...

Ah, it's freezing! You tyke!

E o E B & C

Post 18


ERmmm guys what are you doing? The Swimming Pool is over here - http://www.bbc.co.uk/h2g2/guide/A578937

smiley - laugh

E o E B & C

Post 19


Wwwawawhat ddddo yyou memean frfrfreezing?
It's gggreat! smiley - biggrin
*climbs up on the ring and starts splashing*

E o E B & C

Post 20

Frankie Roberto

Oh crap, I think we jumped into the fish pond.

No wonder it was freezing!

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