Literary Tributes to DNA

1 Conversation

There is DNA in all of us...

We all have been influenced by Douglas Adams. One way or another. His stories made us laugh. His sentences made the grammar centers of our brains want to go out swimming. His words persevere - ever find yourself comparing your friendly neighbor to a Vogon?

His books made us want more but more we cannot get. Or can we?

Haven't we all sometimes tried to write little stories? Haven't we all sometimes caught ourselves thinking "Now that sounds a bit 'Adamsesque'"? Haven't we all always wanted to share our phantasies of how The Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy could continue?

I at least have.

So here is my idea of how to celebrate one of the greatest authors who has ever put his pen to the paper - by showing how he lives on in us. If somewhere in your imagination, or on your desktop, you have an "Adamsesque" piece of writing you want to share - maybe a little bit on where the Grebulons might have come from, maybe a report on the election campaign of Zaphod, maybe just a sentence that sounds as if it has come straight from DNA - why don't you put it here so that others can enjoy it?

Anyway, here is what has been going around my head for a while...

A New BeginningA continuation of the sagaYelbakk

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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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