Sometimes I Fall Down

1 Conversation

There’s a flock of sparrows in my holly tree.
Funny, the rain don’t seem to bother them.

“Consider the birds,” He said.

I stare out of the window and consider……
a blackbird is pecking at the ground,
sheltered by the arch of lilac which
leans over to embrace the bush with the
yellow leaves. Can’t remember its name.
The bush, that is, not the blackbird and…..

life goes on don’t it. Funny really, we all
thinking we so important in the scheme
of things. Thinking the world will stop
turning if we step off for a while.

There’s a few ripe tomatoes left in my garden.
A couple of pounds more blackberries.

Loaves and fishes.

The dog is sitting under the desk, hoping
for a walk but it's wet on the ground and
anyway, have to write, have to take
my light out from under that bushel again.
Summer been and gone and autumn heavy
on my shoulders and ………

life goes on don’t it, despite our dreams
and aspirations and I have so many things
I want to do yet, want to see and feel but….
sometimes I fall down.

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