A Conversation for Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster
dawgon Started conversation Dec 14, 2002
pan galactic gargleblaster would be equal to what? iced tea ?
jason34 Posted Jan 20, 2004
the version of pan galactic gargle blaster i have come to know and love is as follows
1 ms vodka
1 ms white rum
1 ms midori melon liquer
30 mls Red Bull energy drink
45 mls cider
50 mls Carlsberg special Brew
100 mls gold label barley wine
a dash of moet et chandon champagne
top up with blue curacao liquer (to add colour)
method pour a varied amount of ice cubes(crushed into a pint glass and pour in the above ingredients over the ice.
Guaranteed to put out not only a human being for an unlimited amount of time but in certain circumstances may even be used to knock a small horse out
alfhound Posted Sep 17, 2004
I think you have forgotten the Poteen and green Chatreuse which is causing you problems with the size of the horse, throw in these 2 ingredients with aplomb and a team of shires will fall to their knees screaming "why me" within 45seconds.
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